
This is a repo for cybersecurity analyst collecting artifacts in a incident response case.

Primary LanguageBatchfile


│   └───📁LiME
│   │
│   └───📁Scripts
│       │   🗎IR_Script.sh
│       └───🗎crtime.sh
└───📁OS X
│   └───🗎IR_Script.sh
    │   │    🗎DF_Script.bat
    │   │    🗎dumpcap.bat
    │   │    🗎EvtxECmd_Script.bat
    │   │    🗎IR_Script.bat
    │   └─── 🗎RegRipper_Script.bat
        │    📁CryptoCurrency
        │    📁DiskImage
        │    📁EvidenceAnalysis
        │    📁EvidenceCollection
        │    📁LogAnalysis
        │    📁MemoryAnalysis
        │    📁Miscellaneous
        └─── 📁Webshell-Scan


DF Script


  • Case Name
  • System Drive: mounting drive
  • legacy OS: Enter 1 if run on XP, 2000, 2003 Windows operation system platform

Collecting artifacts and parsing automatically

  • System Timeline (MAC)
  • Automatically Start Programs
    • Task files
  • Registry (System, Software, Security, SAM, Amcache.hve(Win8+), USRCLASS.DAT, NTUSER.DAT)
    • AmcacheParser
    • SBECmd
    • Call RegRipper_Script.bat
  • Recent files (AutomaticDestinations, CustomDestinations, *.lnk)
    • JLECmd
  • Bitmap Cache
    • bmc-tools
  • PowerShell console log
  • ActivitiesCache.db (Win10)
    • WxTCmd
  • FTP logs (FileZilla, WinSCP)
  • Event Logs (AppEvent.evt, SecEvent.evt, SysEvent.evt, *.evtx)
    • Call EvtxECmd_Script.bat
  • MBR
  • MFT, LogFile, UsnJrnl
    • MFTECmd
  • Shimcache
    • AppCompatCacheParser
  • Prefetch (*.pf)
    • PECmd
    • winprefetchview
  • Web Servers logs
    • inetpub
    • nginx
  • Windows exe, dll sign information
    • sigcheck
  • $Recycle.Bin
  • Windows.edb
  • SRUM
    • SrumECmd
  • AntiVirus logs (Avast, AVG, ESET, McAfee, Sophos, Symantec)

IR Script


Setting Script Variables

  • %1 - system drive: default (C:)
  • Script Drive: SCRIPT_DRIVE=%~d0
  • Collection Folder: %SCRIPT_DRIVE%\Collection_%COMPUTERNAME%
  • CollectFilesTools Path: %SCRIPT_DRIVE%\Windows\Tools\EvidenceCollection
  • AnalysisTools Path: %SCRIPT_DRIVE%\Windows\Tools\EvidenceAnalysis

Collecting artifacts and parsing automatically

  • System Info
  • System Timeline (MAC)
  • Network Activity
    • ipconfig
    • route
    • nbtstat
    • netstat
    • arp
    • net session
    • net share
    • promqry
  • User accounts, Logon users
    • net user
    • net user Administrator
    • net localgroup
    • net localgroup Administrators
    • PsLoggedon
  • Processes Information
    • tasklist
    • pslist
    • Listdlls
    • handle
    • PsService
  • Automatically Start Programs
    • at
    • schtasks
    • Task files
  • Registry (System, Software, Security, SAM, Amcache.hve(Win8+), USRCLASS.DAT, NTUSER.DAT)
    • AmcacheParser
    • SBECmd
  • Recent files (AutomaticDestinations, CustomDestinations, *.lnk)
    • JLECmd
  • Bitmap Cache
    • bmc-tools
  • PowerShell console log
  • ActivitiesCache.db (Win10)
    • WxTCmd
  • FTP logs (FileZilla, WinSCP)
  • Event Logs (AppEvent.evt, SecEvent.evt, SysEvent.evt, *.evtx)
  • MBR
  • MFT, LogFile, UsnJrnl
    • MFTECmd
  • Shimcache
    • AppCompatCacheParser
    • ShimCacheParser_PY
  • Prefetch (*.pf)
    • PECmd
    • winprefetchview
  • Web Servers logs
    • inetpub
    • nginx
  • Windows exe, dll sign information
    • sigcheck
  • $Recycle.Bin
  • Windows.edb
  • SRUM
    • SrumECmd
  • AntiVirus logs (Avast, AVG, ESET, McAfee, Sophos, Symantec)

Note: Acquiring Memory default is disabled

EvtxECmd Script (*.evtx)

Setting Script Variables

  • %1 - Case Name
  • Script Drive: SCRIPT_DRIVE=%~d0
  • EvtxECmd.exe Path: %SCRIPT_PATH%\Windows\Tools\EvidenceAnalysis\EvtxExplorer
  • Event log folder Path: %SCRIPT_PATH%\Collection_%CASE_NAME%\EventLog
  • Parse Result Path: %SCRIPT_PATH%\Collection_%CASE_NAME%\EvtLogParse

Parse Event Logs

  • All events
  • Account management (Security.evtx)
  • Account Logon and Logon Events (Security.evtx)
  • Network Share Objects (Security.evtx)
  • Scheduled task activity Events
    • Task Scheduler (Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler%%4Operational.evtx)
    • Object Access (Security.evtx)
  • Object Handle Auditing (Security.evtx)
  • Policy Changes Auditing
    • Audit Policy Change (Security.evtx)
    • Audit Policy Change System (System.evtx)
  • Windows Services Auditing (Security.evtx)
  • WiFi Connection (Security.evtx)
  • Process Tracking (Security.evtx) EID: 4688 Default disabled
  • Program Execution (Microsoft-Windows-AppLocker%%4EXE.evtx)
  • Sysmon Events (Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon%%4Operational.evtx) Default No Such File
  • PowerShell Events
    • PowerShell (Microsoft-Windows-PowerShell%%4Operational.evtx)
    • (Windows PowerShell.evtx)
  • Windows Defender
    • Windows Defender (Microsoft-Windows-Windows Defender%%4Operational.evtx)
    • WHC (Microsoft-Windows-Windows Defender%%4WHC.evtx)
  • Remote Desktop Protocol
    • RDP_LocalSessionManager (Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-LocalSessionManager%%4Operational.evtx)
    • RDP_RemoteConnectionManager (Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-RemoteConnectionManager%%4Operational.evtx)
    • RDP_Security (Security.evtx)
    • RDP_System (System.evtx)

RegRipper Script

Setting Script Variables

  • %1 - Case Name
  • Script Drive: SCRIPT_DRIVE=%~d0
  • rip.exe Path: %SCRIPT_PATH%\Windows\Tools\EvidenceAnalysis\RegRipper3.0-master
  • registry folder Path: %SCRIPT_PATH%\Collection_%CASE_NAME%\Registry
  • Parse Result Path: %SCRIPT_PATH%\Collection_%CASE_NAME%\RegParse

Parses Registry Hive

  • At
  • SAM
  • SRUM
  • UserActivity
  • AppCompatCache
    • appcompatcache (SYSTEM)
    • shimcache (SYSTEM)
  • WindowsPrefetch
    • Prefetch (SYSTEM)
  • SystemConfiguration
  • SoftwareExecutedHistory


IR Script


Make sure executed script as root or with sudo command.


Collecting artifacts

  • System state and Configuration

    • uptime
    • Operating system version: uname -a
    • Mounted filesystems: df, mount
    • Loaded kernel modules: lsmod
  • Network and Connection State

    • Network interfaces: ifconfig -a
    • Network connections: netstat -anlp
    • Routing Tables: netstat -rn, route
  • Processes State

    • Open Files: lsof -V
    • Running Processes: ps -ef, ps aux --forest, pstree -ah
  • Users

    • cat /etc/passwd
    • cat /etc/shadow
    • Login user session: w
    • who -H
    • Users past and present: last
    • failed login attempts: lastb
  • Timeline (Access Date;Access Time;Modify Date;Modify Time;Change Date;Change Time;Permissions;UID;Username;GID;Groupname;Size;File)

    • find / -printf "%Ax;%AT;%Tx;%TT;%Cx;%CT;%m;%U;%u;%G;%g;%s;%p\n"
  • bash_history

    find /home -type f -regextype posix-extended -regex '/home/[a-zA-Z\.]+(/\.bash_history)'
    find /root -maxdepth 1 -type f -regextype posix-extended -regex '/root/\.bash_history'
  • /var/log

    find /var/log -type f -regextype posix-extended -regex '/var/log/[a-zA-Z\.]+(/[a-zA-Z\.]+)*'
    cp /var/log/*.log*
  • crontab

    cp -r /etc/cron*
  • utmp/wtmp/btmp

    utmpdump /var/run/utmp
    utmpdump /var/log/wtmp
    utmpdump /var/log/btmp

    Note: /var/log/wtmp - all valid past logins

          `/var/log/btmp` - bad logins
          `/var/log/lastlog` - recently login user
          `/var/run/utmp` - current login user → in memory
  • disk image file (default disabled)

    sudo fdisk -l
    dd if=/dev/INPUT/DEVICE-NAME-HERE conv=sync,noerror bs=64K | gzip -c > /path/to/my-disk.image.gz


Get File Creation Date/Time

./crtime.sh file


IR Script


Make sure executed script as root or with sudo command.


Note: Conver file from DOS to UNIX via VIM: :set fileformat=unix

OS X File System

  • User: User specific files
  • Local: Apps/Resources
  • System
  • Network

Collecting artifacts

  • System Information
    • uptime
    • Name of the computer: hostname
    • Operating system version: uname -a, sw_vers
    • Gatekeeper status: spctl --status
    • To know system using what bash version: bash --version
  • UserInfo
    • User identity and information: id, groups, finger -m
    • Current user id and name: whoami
    • Currently logged on users: who
    • Login user session: w
    • Users past and present: last
    • Command history list: history
  • Network Activity Information
    • Network status: netstat
    • Routing table: netstat -ru
    • networksetup -listallhardwareports
    • Network connections sorted by process: lsof -i
    • Arp table: arp -a
    • SMB share: smbutil statshares -a
    • Certificates used by system: security dump-trust-settings
    • Network interfaces: ifconfig
  • Processes Information
    • Running Processes: ps aux, ps axo user, pid, ppid, start, command
    • Files that a process open: lsof
  • Hard Drive Information
    • Information of connected hard drives: diskutil list
    • Mounted filesystems: df -h, du -h
  • Collecting Startup Information
    • Currently loaded launch agents and daemons: launchctl list
    • At task: atq
  • Browsing History
    • Safari
    • Chrome
    • Firefox