FSWALLI is wallpaper downloader website . This website developed by python & django framework. Here is demo
- Python 3.8
- Django 3.1
The following steps will walk you thru installation on a Mac. Linux should be similar. It's also possible to develop on a Windows machine, but I have not documented the steps. If you've developed django apps on Windows, you should have little problem getting up and running.
Open your terminal then run the command git clone https://github.com/fsfaysalcse/Wallpaper
Then install and create virtualenv in your project directory and active the virtualenv. `` Then follow the command
virtualenv venv --python=python3.8
source venv bin/active
After that run the project on your local development server. Please you may follow the commands. Hopefully It's will be work.
pip install -r requirements.txt
./ manage.py migrate
./ manage.py createsuperuser
./ manage.py runserver
N:B: This is my first Django Project :)