
Part-of-speech tagging using BERT

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Part-of-speech tagging using BERT


Download BERT models


Experiment with FinBERT cased and TDT data


python3 train.py \
    --vocab_file "$MODELDIR/vocab.txt" \
    --bert_config_file "$MODELDIR/bert_config.json" \
    --init_checkpoint "$MODELDIR/bert-base-finnish-cased" \
    --data_dir "$DATADIR" \
    --learning_rate 5e-5 \
    --num_train_epochs 3 \
    --predict test \
    --output pred.tsv

python scripts/mergepos.py "$DATADIR/test.conllu" pred.tsv > pred.conllu
python scripts/conll18_ud_eval.py -v "$DATADIR/gold-test.conllu" pred.conllu

CoNLL'18 UD data

Manually annotated data

(A small part of this data is found in data/ud-treebanks-v2.2/)

curl --remote-name-all https://lindat.mff.cuni.cz/repository/xmlui/bitstream/handle/11234/1-2837/ud-treebanks-v2.2.tgz

tar xvzf ud-treebanks-v2.2.tgz

Predictions from CoNLL'18 participants

(A small part of this data is found in data/official-submissions/)

curl --remote-name-all https://lindat.mff.cuni.cz/repository/xmlui/bitstream/handle/11234/1-2885/conll2018-test-runs.tgz

tar xvzf conll2018-test-runs.tgz

Evaluation script

wget https://universaldependencies.org/conll18/conll18_ud_eval.py \
    -O scripts/conll18_ud_eval.py


Gold data

for t in tdt ftb pud; do
    mkdir data/$t
    for f in data/ud-treebanks-v2.2/*/fi_${t}-ud-*.conllu; do
        s=$(echo "$f" | perl -pe 's/.*\/.*-ud-(.*)\.conllu/$1/')
	egrep '^([0-9]+'$'\t''|[[:space:]]*$)' $f | cut -f 2,4 \
            > data/$t/$s.tsv
    cut -f 2 data/$t/test.tsv | egrep -v '^[[:space:]]*$' | sort | uniq \
        > data/$t/labels.txt
    mv data/$t/test.tsv data/$t/gold-test.tsv
    cp data/ud-treebanks-v2.2/*/fi_${t}-ud-test.conllu data/$t/gold-test.conllu

PUD doesn't have train and dev, use TDT

for s in train dev; do
    cp data/tdt/$s.tsv data/pud

Test data with predicted tokens

for t in tdt ftb pud; do
    cp data/official-submissions/Uppsala-18/fi_$t.conllu data/$t/test.conllu
    egrep '^([0-9]+'$'\t''|[[:space:]]*$)' data/$t/test.conllu \
        | cut -f 2 | perl -pe 's/(\S+)$/$1\tX/' > data/$t/test.tsv

Reference results

Best UPOS result for each Finnish treebank in CoNLL'18 from https://universaldependencies.org/conll18/results-upos.html

fi_ftb: 1. HIT-SCIR (Harbin): 96.70
fi_pud: 1. LATTICE (Paris)  : 97.65
fi_tdt: 1. HIT-SCIR (Harbin): 97.30

BERT model comparison for Finnish POS tagging

The scripts run here are specific to a particular Slurm system configuration. You will need to edit them to match your setup if you want to rerun this.

python3 slurm/select_params.py logs/*.out | cut -f 1-12 > slurm/selected-params.tsv
python3 slurm/summarize_test.py logs/*.out | cut -f 2,4,11-14 > results.tsv

This should give approximately the following results:

Model             Corpus Mean
FinBERT cased     FTB    98.39
FinBERT uncased   FTB    98.28
biBERT70	  FTB	 98.30
biBERT80	  FTB	 98.16
M-BERT  cased     FTB    95.87
M-BERT  uncased   FTB    96.00
FinBERT cased     PUD    98.08
FinBERT uncased   PUD    97.94
biBERT70	  PUD	 98.08
biBERT80	  PUD	 98.07
M-BERT  cased     PUD    97.58
M-BERT  uncased   PUD    97.48
FinBERT cased     TDT    98.23
FinBERT uncased   TDT    98.12
biBERT70	  TDT	 98.17
biBERT80	  TDT	 98.14
M-BERT  cased     TDT    96.97
M-BERT  uncased   TDT    96.59

Modifications to the original repo

In scripts/

  • venv.sh to create venv on puhti In slurm/
  • batch-dev-pos.sh runs more than one set of parameters for each sbatch submission, so that time is not wasted queuing
  • batch-run-parameter-selection.sh used for submitting jobs for batch-dev-pos.sh
  • print.sh prints a file for all the parameters to be searched. One line per job. Used for batch-run-parameter-selection.sh
  • function batch_read_logs added in summarize.py for processing files where all the results have been collected in one file
  • select_params.py changed to using batch_read_logs instead of read_logs
  • summarize_test.py changed to using batch_read_logs instead of read_logs

Workflow after the modifications

  1. Parameter search on the dev set
  • use print.sh to print out all the combinations
  • use batch-dev-pos.sh and batch-run-parameter-selection.sh to do the experiments
  1. Collecting results
  • grab for 'DEV-RESULT' and 'accuracy' in the stdout logging files for the results, collect the results into a tsv file dev-results.tsv
  1. Use select_params.py to select the parameters for the test set
  • python3 slurm/select_params.py slurm/dev-results.tsv | cut -f 1-12 > slurm/selected-params.tsv
  1. Run the selected parameters on the test set
  • use batch-test-pos.sh and batch-run-selected-params.sh
  1. Organizing the results
  • grab for 'TEST-RESULT': grep -h 'TEST-RESULT' logs/*.out > delme.test-result
  • cat test-result.delme| grep biBERT70 > delme.70
  • python3 slurm/summarize_test.py delme.70
  • rm delme.*

Note to self for running on puhti

batch size 20, 4 epochs out of memory (requires 6GB of memory)

Check for out of memory errors less logs/batch-*.err | grep -i 'status: out of'

Parameter search on the dev set Batching the jobs according to the following parameters {16,20}{biBERT70,biBERT80}{[23],4}