
A quick prototype classifier for a colleague

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Automatic Essay Scoring

Automatic essay scoring using BERT embeddings

Getting started

You can install the dependencies using Poetry:

$ poetry install

Or else use the Docker image / Dockerfile. The Docker image has been tested mainly under Singularity.

Data format

Input data is a JSON array of objects [{...}, {...}] with one object per essay. It should have at least the keys:

  • "essay": an array of strings for each line of the essay e.g. ["Lorem ipsum --", "dolar"]
  • "lab_grade": the grade as an string e.g. "3"

Preprocessing (new)

You can run the Snakefile with Snakemake. It should work locally with:

$ snakemake all -C RAW_DATASETS=/path/to/raw_datasets/

If using SLURM+Singulairty you can use singslurm2. You will need to make a configuration for your cluster clusc.json and then run:

CLUSTER_CONFIG=`pwd`/clusc.json \
SIF_PATH=/path/to/my.sif \
SNAKEFILE=/finnessayscore/workflow/Snakefile \
$SINGSLURM2/entrypoint.sh \
--use-singularity \
--singularity-args '"--nv"' \
all \
-C RAW_DATASETS=/path/to/raw_datasets/

Preprocessing (old)

Convert TKP2 exam data to the JSON format by using:

$ python -m finnessayscore.process_tkp tkp.xls tkp.json

Some models need parsed data. In this case, further preprocessing should be done like so:

$ python -m finnessayscore.parse example.json example_parse.json

You will need to provide the grading scale of your dataset as a pickle file. You can generate some standard grading scales with finnessayscore.mk_grade_pickle e.g. for the TKP2 20-point scale:

$ python -m finnessayscore.mk_grade_pickle outof20 outof20.pkl



$ python -m finnessayscore.train \
  --epochs 1 \
  --batch_size=5 \
  --model_type whole_essay \
  --data_dir /path/to/datadir

A confusion matrix and scores on the validation set are printed at the end of training.

Results on tensorboard

$ tensorboard --logdir lightning_logs/ --port <port_number>


Getting explanation jsons using for example TKP2 dataset:

$ python -m finnessayscore.explain.explain_trunc \
  --gpu \
  --model_type pedantic_trunc_essay_ord \
  --class_nums /path/to/outof20.pkl \
  --load_checkpoint /path/to/out/checkpoint.ckpt \
  --data_dir /path/to/tkp2_exam.json

If you want you can use --exclude_upos to give parts of speech to put in the reference/ignore in LIG. Commonly this would be PUNC. In this case you must give a data_dir which has info from the dependency parser in it.

You can then view them by modifying the explain-trunc.ipynb Jupyter notebook.