- Twitter Bootstrap 3.x distribution files - css, js, glyphicons
- Twitter Bootstrap 3.x LESS files plus Bootstrap Mixins
- A style.less starter file that compiles to style.css for starting Wordpress themes
- A site.js that compiles to a site.min.js file
- An index.php file as the base index file
- The Wordpress 4.4.2 framework
- The WooCommerce eCommerce plugin and some woo-tab customizations
- Wordpress config rearranged to allow for both local and hosted DB configurations
- A starter theme called "boot-theme-woo", ready for customization
- Added a mixins.less file with many commonly used LESS mixins which compiles from style.less
- I use CodeKit to check and compile the bootstrap and my own custom LESS / JS into the site's working CSS and JS files. The project includes a CodeKit config file that saves project level settings.
Clone this repo into any folder, then hook up the theme folder to CodeKit and your ready to Rock!