- 1
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'django' (docker)
#178 opened by jzbor - 0
Docker description uses wrong setting file
#179 opened by FelixBuehler - 6
ICAL Datei beim Abstimmen verwenden, um Termine im Kalender schon zu blockieren
#99 opened by TheMcs000 - 1
Bitpoll Admin Accounts
#177 opened by SirFlow4344 - 2
- 0
User configurable default poll options
#175 opened by dreamflasher - 0
Please add ICAL / ICS support
#174 opened by dreamflasher - 0
polls: display only a subset of voters of a poll
#171 opened by larsesser - 0
Allow switching display timezone without login
#163 opened by ModProg - 1
Privacy policy: Should not be hardcoded
#162 opened by tomabrafix - 0
- 5
Error running docker
#157 opened by loviuz - 0
- 0
- 6
- 0
delete account
#145 opened by Silther - 0
Missing manifest entry for 'css/base_screen.css' while starting up application
#141 opened by chavda-bhavik - 0
- 0
Modify username or deregister
#138 opened by DEnzmann - 0
- 0
- 0
Can't unwatch a poll under certain conditions
#134 opened by MarkusNeblung - 0
Poll admin missing several raw_id_fields
#132 opened by wichmannpas - 0
Email an Bitpoll-Owner wenn Deadline erreicht ist
#129 opened by JOKUE2002 - 1
Erste Zeile / Spalte in der Poll-Tabelle fixieren
#125 opened by ftsell - 3
Some fontawesome icons don't show up
#124 opened by MrTucks - 0
Names hidden in CSV Export for Owners
#121 opened by MarkusNeblung - 2
Felder ohne Favicon nur halb hoch
#119 opened by Weissrolf - 2
Fehler bei Berechnung der Ergebnisse
#114 opened by Huttraeger - 1
Kontoname + Vorname unnötig lang/breit
#118 opened by Weissrolf - 3
High cpu usage
#83 opened by witchent - 4
How to delete a double entry
#79 opened by TimBaltic - 0
[FEATURE] Dark theme
#115 opened by jensmeichler - 1
Inconsistent Timezone
#113 opened by Flova - 1
- 2
Improve anonymous poll administration
#89 opened by ftsell - 1
Mafiasi nickname is not displayed in Bitpoll, instead first name is displayed
#104 opened by Xevandylreth - 0
`/settings/` page loads slow
#95 opened by TheMcs000 - 3
Change default choice: "Only if absolutely necessary" looks a bit out of place
#73 opened by irgendwr - 0
Werte von alten Abstimmungen recyclen
#100 opened by TheMcs000 - 2
- 0
at `/settings/` the table is too large
#94 opened by TheMcs000 - 0
Group synchronization issue
#88 opened by timonegk - 1
Groups fixes
#84 opened by andyception - 0
- 0
Data protection (Datenschutz)
#81 opened by TimBaltic - 0
- 0
Add possibility to login after filling out a poll but before saving without loosing your inputs
#78 opened by fredericobormann - 0
Sort poll answers when filling one out
#71 opened by ftsell - 0
[Feature] Auto delete old polls
#69 opened by CarliJoy