How to test a website user interface using Cucumber and Selenium
- selenium-jutils
- cucumber-jutils
- Selenium and Cucumber for java
- Lombok
Start Selenium Grid via docker-compose from src/test/resources/selenium:
docker-compose -f selenium-grid.yml up
Run tests with Maven and generate reports:
mvn clean verify -Plocal,html-report -Dtags=@ui -Dconcurrent=true -Dbrowser.type=chrome -Dthreads=4
The test application is a Grocery web page:
public abstract class BasePage {
protected BasePage(WebDriver driver) {
this.driver = driver;
PageFactory.initElements(new FieldContextDecorator(new ElementContextLocatorFactory(driver, Duration.ofSeconds(10),
Collections.singletonList(StaleElementReferenceException.class))), this);
public class GroceryPage extends BasePage {
@FindBy(xpath = "//app-root//app-list")
private GroceryListContext groceryListContext;
public class GroceryListContext extends WebContext {
@FindBy(xpath = ".//input[@type='text']")
private WebElement groceryInput;
@FindBy(xpath = ".//button[text()='Add']")
private WebElement groceryAddButton;
@FindBy(xpath = ".//ul/li")
private List<Item> groceryItemList;
public class GroceryListSteps extends BaseScenario {
private GroceryPage groceryPage;
@When("Go to grocery list tab")
public void goToGroceryListTab() {
@When("Check grocery list size={}")
public void checkGroceryListSize(int size) {
assertEquals(size, groceryPage.getGroceryListContext().getGroceryItemList().size());
@When("Add grocery item with name={}")
public void addGroceryItem(String name) {
@local @prod
Feature: Grocery List feature
Scenario: Add grocery item
* Go to grocery list tab
* Check grocery list size=6
* var itemName="Custom grocery item1"
* Add grocery item with name=#[itemName]
* Check grocery list size=7
* Check grocery list contains item with name=#[itemName]