
Compatibility with siunitx version 2

Zaunmich opened this issue · 2 comments

When trying to use inkscapeCircuitSymbols, I run into the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\Bio\AppData\Roaming\inkscape\extensions\textext\base.py", line 538, in tex_to_pdf
    exec_command([tex_command, self.tmp('tex')] + self.LATEX_OPTIONS)
  File "C:\Users\Bio\AppData\Roaming\inkscape\extensions\textext\utility.py", line 252, in exec_command
    raise TexTextCommandFailed(message="Command %s failed (code %d)" % (' '.join(cmd), p.returncode),
textext.errors.TexTextCommandFailed: Command C:\Users\Bio\AppData\Local\Programs\MiKTeX\miktex\bin\x64\pdflatex.exe tmp.tex -interaction=nonstopmode -halt-on-error failed (code 1)

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "circuitSymbols.py", line 567, in <module>
  File "C:\Program Files\Inkscape\share\inkscape\extensions\inkex\base.py", line 140, in run
  File "circuitSymbols.py", line 377, in effect
    self.drawSourceV(root_layer, position, value=so.sourceVal, sourceType='general', angleDeg=so.sourceRot, flagVolt=so.sourceVolt,
  File "C:\Users\Bio\AppData\Roaming\inkscape\extensions\circuitSymbols\drawSources.py", line 79, in drawSourceV
    inkDraw.text.latex(self, group, value, pos_text, fontSize=self.fontSize, refPoint='bc', preambleFile=self.preambleFile)
  File "C:\Users\Bio\AppData\Roaming\inkscape\extensions\inkscapeMadeEasy\inkscapeMadeEasy_Draw.py", line 1288, in latex
    tex.run([r'--text=' + LatexCommands + LaTeXtext, '--scale-factor=1', '--preamble-file=' + preambleFile, tempFilePath],
  File "C:\Program Files\Inkscape\share\inkscape\extensions\inkex\base.py", line 140, in run
  File "C:\Users\Bio\AppData\Roaming\inkscape\extensions\textext\base.py", line 286, in effect
  File "C:\Users\Bio\AppData\Roaming\inkscape\extensions\textext\base.py", line 362, in do_convert
    converter.tex_to_pdf(tex_executable, text, preamble_file)
  File "C:\Users\Bio\AppData\Roaming\inkscape\extensions\textext\base.py", line 542, in tex_to_pdf
    raise TexTextConversionError(parsed_log, error.return_code, error.stdout, error.stderr)
textext.errors.TexTextConversionError: ! Package keyvalue Error: Unknown option 'per' for package siunitx.

The error suggests that a option "per" for the siunitx Tex-Package is provided, which was used in the version 1 of siunitx.
See https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/327859/package-siunitx-doesnt-work-with-option

A quick and easy fix is to use version 2 syntax in the preamble definition:
in C:\Users\ yourUserName \AppData\Roaming\inkscape\extensions\circuitSymbols\circuitSymbolsPreamble.tex

\usepackage[per-mode=symbol]{siunitx} % change this line here.

\newcommand{\phasorName}[1]{ \ensuremath{ \boldsymbol{\hat #1} } }
\newcommand{\impedance}[1]{ \ensuremath{ \boldsymbol{#1} } }

% commend those lines out, they are the old syntax
% new units
%\newunit{\Vef}{\volt_{ef}} % volt eficaz
%\newunit{\Vrms}{\volt_{rms}} % volt RMS
%\newunit{\Vpp}{\volt_{pp}} % volt peak-to-peak

%\newunit{\Aef}{\ampere_{ef}} % ampere eficaz
%\newunit{\Arms}{\ampere_{rms}} % ampere rms
%\newunit{\App}{\ampere_{pp}} % ampere peak-to-peak

% add those lines, they are the new syntax
\DeclareSIUnit\Vef{\volt_{ef}} % volt eficaz
\DeclareSIUnit\Vrms{\volt_{rms}} % volt RMS
\DeclareSIUnit\Vpp{\volt_{pp}} % volt peak-to-peak

\DeclareSIUnit\Aef{\ampere_{ef}} % ampere eficaz
\DeclareSIUnit\Arms{\ampere_{rms}} % ampere rms
\DeclareSIUnit\App{\ampere_{pp}} % ampere peak-to-peak

% logic Commands

Are there any plans to add siunitx version 2 compatibility?

Thanks for the message. Yes I am aware of the changes between siunitx 1 and 2.

I updated the repository

Thanks for the update!