- 2
Connecting Components
#38 opened by loomdawg7137 - 1
Disabling support to avoid latex
#37 opened by twalter23 - 3
More MOSFET Symbol Options
#36 opened by RicardoSung - 33
Electric symbol requests
#23 opened by fsmMLK - 1
Can't have a component without value
#34 opened by josejsarmento - 2
Error when generating symbols
#35 opened by etnapoli - 6
It gives me an error, when I clicked Apply
#33 opened by apoorav-singh - 1
Orientation of labels
#16 opened by thomakamaru - 2
Nothing happens when inserting symbol
#10 opened by david-hakansson - 1
Problem for a new user
#32 opened by Niinaaaaa - 2
Installation suggestion
#31 opened by anthonyjwall - 1
Warning everytime image is inserted
#30 opened by medwatt - 2
Not working
#17 opened by rnarnoli - 3
- 0
Does not work on Inkscape 64bit version
#19 opened by gforti84 - 2
How to troubleshoot
#20 opened by jsavage - 1
Does not work
#22 opened by popest - 2
Issue with siunitx (old version?)
#27 opened by deganii - 5
Extension greyed out
#29 opened by rahna803 - 2
Compatibility with siunitx version 2
#28 opened by Zaunmich - 5
scaling of symbols and fonts ?
#24 opened by PinkMushroom - 4
- 2
Doesn't work: Problem with 'parseColorPicker'
#25 opened by soerenhm - 1
european and ameriсan style
#7 opened by greengrocer98 - 1
Fuses are missing
#21 opened by MaxandreOgeret - 2
- 2
Length of connection pins adjustable
#9 opened by torbei - 4
BJT arrow disappear
#14 opened by its-fonsy - 2
Error on inserting symbol: all the input arrays must have same number of dimensions
#11 opened by SapiensAnatis - 1
Error on inserting symbol: Command pdflatex /tmp/tmppO1tu4/tmp.tex -interaction=nonstopmode -halt-on-error failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
#12 opened by TheBeneficent - 0
update needed for Inkscape version 1.0
#15 opened by brynnd - 4
Circuit symbols
#13 opened by LookieGit - 1
No IEC symbols
#3 opened by mbrunnen - 2
Crashes on Ubuntu with 0.48.4
#2 opened by mbrunnen - 1
- 3
Does not work in ubuntu 17.04
#4 opened by bahram-houchmandzadeh - 2
Inkscape 0.92 -- 64bit on W7 Enterprise
#5 opened by MikeAnblips - 4
Added MOSFET support
#1 opened by kst-ttt