
Single-header ASCII plotter library in C++14

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


AskiPlot is a single-header library written in C++14 for creating plots with ASCII characters only. The library encourage chaining programming as all API classes have a fluent interface. Static polymorhism is achieved through the use of the CRTP (Curiously Recurring Template Pattern).

With AskiPlot you can plot grouped bars, histograms, boxes, lines and arrange text by specifying positions relative to the current console. Unless otherwise specified, the library will infere a canvas size that fits the console at run-time.

Usage examples

Run make in the examples directory to compile all the examples.

Grouped bars

groupedbars.cpp uses the class GroupedBars to group multiple sources in a single BarPlot.

BarPlot bp;
auto gb = GroupedBars<BarPlot>(bp, 2);
  (vector<int>{80,40}, "Data Source 1", Brush('@'))
  (vector<int>{20,50}, "Data Source 2", Brush('$'))
  (vector<int>{10,20}, "Data Source 3", Brush('.'))
  .SetBrush("BorderTop", "/")
  .DrawBorders(Top + Right)
cout << bp.Serialize();

Produces the following:

                                                            | @ Data Source 1 ||
    80                                                      | $ Data Source 2 ||
 ________                                                   | . Data Source 3 ||
|@@@@@@@@|                                                  |_________________||
|@@@@@@@@|                                                                     |
|@@@@@@@@|                                                                     |
|@@@@@@@@|                                                                     |
|@@@@@@@@|                                                                     |
|@@@@@@@@|                                            50                       |
|@@@@@@@@|                                         ________                    |
|@@@@@@@@|                                        |$$$$$$$$|                   |
|@@@@@@@@|                                  40    |$$$$$$$$|                   |
|@@@@@@@@|                               ________ |$$$$$$$$|                   |
|@@@@@@@@|                              |@@@@@@@@||$$$$$$$$|                   |
|@@@@@@@@|                              |@@@@@@@@||$$$$$$$$|                   |
|@@@@@@@@|    20                        |@@@@@@@@||$$$$$$$$|    20             |
|@@@@@@@@| ________                     |@@@@@@@@||$$$$$$$$| ________          |
|@@@@@@@@||$$$$$$$$|                    |@@@@@@@@||$$$$$$$$||........|         |
|@@@@@@@@||$$$$$$$$|    10              |@@@@@@@@||$$$$$$$$||........|         |
|@@@@@@@@||$$$$$$$$| ________           |@@@@@@@@||$$$$$$$$||........|         |
|@@@@@@@@||$$$$$$$$||........|          |@@@@@@@@||$$$$$$$$||........|         |


gaussian.cpp uses the class HistPlot to plot a standard normal distribution.

HistPlot hp;
  .SetTitle("Gaussian distribution")
  .SetBrush("Area", "@")
  .SetBrush("BorderTop", " ")
  .PlotHistogram(gsamples, "Normal (0,1)")
  .DrawText("Number of samples: " + to_string(N), NorthWest + Offset(2, -2))
cout << hp.Serialize();

Produces the following:

______________________________Gaussian distribution_____________________________
|                                                            __________________|
| Number of samples: 10000                                   | @ Normal (0,1) ||
|                                                            |________________||
|                                                                              |
|                                      @                                       |
|                                      @  @                                    |
|                                  @  @@@@@                                    |
|                                  @ @@@@@@@ @                                 |
|                                 @@@@@@@@@@@@                                 |
|                                 @@@@@@@@@@@@                                 |
|                               @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@                               |
|                              @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                               |
|                             @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                             |
|                            @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                            |
|                           @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                         |
|                          @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                         |
|                          @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                        |
|                       @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                       |
|                     @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                     |
|                    @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                     |
|                  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                   |
                @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @              

Text and lines

textlines.cpp demonstrates how to draw horizontal or vertical text and lines. At every cardinal point, text is adjusted so to fit the console's boundaries.

Plot p;
 .SetBrush("LineVertical", DefaultBrushLineVertical) // Optional
 .SetBrush("LineVertical", "!")
 .SetBrush("LineHorizontal", ".")
 .DrawLineHorizontalAtRow(p.GetHeight() - 2)
 .DrawText("North", North)
 .DrawText("South", South)
 .DrawText("East", East)
 .DrawText("West", West)
 .DrawText("NorthEast", NorthEast)
 .DrawText("NorthWest", NorthWest)
 .DrawText("SouthEast", SouthEast)
 .DrawText("SouthWest", SouthWest)
 .DrawText("Center", Center)
 .DrawTextCentered("Centered text at South + Offset(0,2)", South + Offset(0,2))
 .DrawTextCentered("Centered text at South", South)
 .SetBrush("LineHorizontal", ">")
 .SetBrush("LineHorizontal", "<")
 .DrawTextVerticalCentered("Vertical text", East - Offset(10,0))
 .DrawText("{3,3}", {3,3})
cout << p.Serialize();

Produces the following:

NorthWest    | |                        North                          NorthEast
             | |                        !                                       
             | |                        !                                       
             | |                        !                                       
             | |                        !                            V          
             | |                        !                            e          
             | |                        !                            t          
             | |                        !                            i          
             | |                        !                            c          
West         | |                        Center                       a      East
             | |                        !                            l          
             | |                        !                                       
             | |                        !                            t          
             | |                        !                            x          
             | |                        !                            t          
             | |                        !                                       
   {3,3}     | |                        !                                       
             | |      Centered text at South + Offset(0,2)                      
SouthWest    | |             Centered text at South                    SouthEast


fusion.cpp demostrates the usefulness of the Fusion function and its flexibility given by the chained operator().

auto box1 = Plot(10,5).Fill(".").DrawTextCentered("BOX1", Center);
auto box2 = Plot(box1).DrawTextCentered("BOX2", Center);

Plot p(60,15);
p.Fusion()(box1, NorthWest)
          (box1, SouthEast)
          (box2, NorthEast)
          (box2, SouthWest)
cout << p.Serialize();

Produces the following:

..........                    |                   ..........
..........                    |                   ..........
...BOX1...                    |                   ...BOX2...
..........                    |                   ..........
..........                    |                   ..........
..........                    |                   ..........
..........                    |                   ..........
...BOX2...                    |                   ...BOX1...
..........                    |                   ..........
..........                    |                   ..........


grid.cpp shows how to merge multiple plots into a simple grid.

int width = 10, height = 5;
GridPlot gp(2, 3, 3 * width, 2 * height); // Rows, Columns, Width, Height
Plot base = Plot(width, height).Fill().DrawBorders(All - Bottom);

Plot sp1 = Plot(base).SetMainBrush("1").Redraw();
Plot sp2 = Plot(base).SetMainBrush("2").Redraw();
Plot sp3 = Plot(base).SetMainBrush("3").Redraw();

gp.Get<Plot>(1,2).DrawTextCentered("--", Center);

cout << gp.Serialize();

Produces the following:
