
Python script to crawl photos and get insights on shooting habits

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

PhotoCrawl: A Photography Analyzer

A simple script to run analysis and get insight on my use of equipment and settings in my practice of photography.



This script runs on Python3.6.1+, and requires the following libraries: PyExifInfo, matplotlib, seaborn, pandas, pendulum, typer and loguru. Most importantly, it also requires that you have the amazing ExifTool package by Phil Harvey.


This code is compatible with Python 3.7+. If for some reason you have a need for it, you can simply install it in your virtual enrivonment with:

pip install photocrawl


With this package installed in the activated enrivonment, it can be called through python -m photocrawl or through a newly created photocrawl command.

Detailed usage goes as follows:

Usage: photocrawl [OPTIONS] [IMAGES]

  Crawl and ensemble of pictures to run analysis of their metadata and get
  insight on one's use of equipment and settings in their practice of

  [IMAGES]  Location, relative or absolute, of the images directory you wish
            to crawl.

  --output-dir TEXT               Location, either relative or absolute, of
                                  the output directory.  [default: outputs]

  --show-figures / --no-show-figures
                                  Whether or not to show figures when plotting
                                  insights.  [default: False]

  --save-figures / --no-save-figures
                                  Whether or not to save figures when plotting
                                  insights.  [default: False]

  --log-level TEXT                The base console logging level. Can be
                                  'debug', 'info', 'warning' and 'error'.
                                  [default: info]

  --install-completion            Install completion for the current shell.
  --show-completion               Show completion for the current shell, to
                                  copy it or customize the installation.

  --help                          Show this message and exit.

The script will crawl files, extract exif and output visualizations named insight_1.png and insight_2.png in a newly created outputs folder (or a folder named as you specified).

Output example

Here is an example of what the script outputs:




  • Handling raw files.
  • Handling subfolders when looking for files.
  • Output all insight in a single/two plot.
  • Implement proper logging.
  • Make into a package.
  • Make callable as a python module (python -m photocrawl ...).
  • Improving the command line experience.

Made with ♥︎ by fsoubelet
MIT © 2019 Felix Soubelet