
🔥💬 Chattylit is a real-time chat application made with Angular and Firebase

Primary LanguageTypeScript

🔥💬 Chattylit

Chattylit is a real-time chat application made with Angular and Firebase/Firestore.


To run the app, you can either clone and create a new environments directory inside src and two environment files, one environment.ts and one environment.prod.ts that contains an environment object, filled with your firebase credentials.


export const environment = {
  production: false,
  firebase: {
    apiKey: '######',
    authDomain: 'somewhere.firebaseapp.com',
    projectId: 'chattylit-#####',
    storageBucket: '######.appspot.com',
    messagingSenderId: '123456789',
    appId: '1:9:999999999999999999999999',
    measurementId: 'someId',

or you can simply click here.