Build a SPA that allows the user to connect to Metamask and allow them to visualize a grid of their currently held NFTs (ERC-720 and ERC-1155) in their wallets. Each NFT should be represented by its picture, token address pointing to and the minted token id. NFT metadata has to be fetched through the tokenURI contract function. The wallet handling should be similar to common dApps such as Uniswap.
Wallet information can be obtained through some of the Covalent API endpoints. If you don't own any NFTs in the Mainnet, you can simulate any other address.
Tech requirements are React, Typescript and Ethers.js
- Vite
- React
- Typescript
- Ethers.js as the Web3 provider
- Web3-React for Web3 integrations
- Axios for classic REST API requests
- SWR for request caching & easy status management
- TailwindCSS for inline styles
- HeadlessUI for generic components (dialog)
- React Loading Skeleton for loading indicators
- React Toastify for notifications