Generate and submit batch files for Apple's Xgrid computing.
These scripts are wrappers around the xgrid
command line tool. It
facilitates the construction and submission of batch files for
multiple input files.
- Generate and submit batch files to the Xgrid controller.xg-result.py
- Get results from the Xgrid controller.
To see the available options::
python xg-batch.py -h
To generate and submit a batch file with jobs that run a program
with command line argument arg
on several files:
python xg-batch.py -s -j jobname -c "/path/to/prog -a arg" /path/to/files/*.ext
To retrieve the results by passing the ID files generated by xg-batch.py
python xg-result.py file1.id file2.id file3.id ...
Or by passing the directory containing those ID files:
python xg-result.py /path/to/directory
Grid computing with Apple's Xgrid
How to set up a grid of computers using the Mac OSX desktop version: