
Example of consuming HashiCorp Vault secrets with a Chef Infra Client cookbook

Primary LanguageRubyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Example cookbook using Vault to store secrets.





  • Defines method api_json_fetch which is used for fetching token data from an API



Default cookbook recipe which optionally includes example recipes if executed within Test Kitchen and attribute node['example_vault_chef']['run_examples'] is true


All-in-one recipe configuration which fetches data from a Vault instance using the attribute-defined node['example_vault_chef']['vault_token_method']. Vault content received is used to populate files on the local filesystem, showing simple example usage.


Example configuration recipe which uses the secret_hashicorp_vault Custom Resource to fetch data from a Vault instance and saves the output in local files, showing example usage.

Resources - secret_hashicorp_vault.rb

Chef Infra Custom Resource which can be used to fetch data from a HashiCorp Vault instance. This resource can be re-used multiple times with different properties passed, allowing for a node to fetch multiple data sets as required during a Chef Infra Client cookbook run.

Example Usage:

# Fetch secret information from a HashiCorp Vault instance using a token and app-role inline
secret_hashicorp_vault 'my_app_secret' do
  vault_address         'https://Vault-FQDN:8200'
  vault_namespace       'my/namespace'
  vault_path            'secret/data/name'
  vault_approle         'my-app-role'
  vault_token           'vault_access_token'
  attribute_target      'my_app_secret'
  ssl_verify            true
  action                :fetch

# Fetch secret information from a HashiCorp Vault instance using the vault_token_method property, providing logic for how to obtain the token for initial Vault connectivity.
secret_hashicorp_vault 'my_app_secret_with_token_method' do
  vault_address               'https://Vault-FQDN:8200'
  vault_namespace             'my/namespace'
  vault_path                  'secret/data/name'
  vault_approle               'my-app-role'
  vault_token_method          'token-file'
  vault_token_method_options({ 'vault_token_file' => '/path/to/token/file' })
  attribute_target            'my_app_secret'
  ssl_verify                  true
  action                      :fetch

The secret_hashicorp_vault will fetch data from a Vault instance and store the result [:data] to node.run_state under the key which holds the resource name. In the above examples, data fetched from Vault will be stored under node.run_state['my_app_secret'] and node.run_state['my_app_secret_with_token_method']. Since this data is in node.run_state it will not be persisted to the node object but will be usable by other resources during the cookbook run.

Detailed resource documentation can be found within the resource configuration file - secret_hashicorp_vault.rb

Data Bags

A number of data bags are saved with this repository for usage with Test Kitchen - test/integration/data_bags

  • approle_tokens: Standard data bag which holds a vault token
  • encrypted_tokens: Encrypted data bag which holds a vault token
  • encrypted_data_bag_keys: Key data for the encrypted_tokens data bag, used by Test Kitchen to access the encrypted_tokens data.


This cookbook can be used as an example for interacting with a HashiCorp Vault instance to retrieve secret data using the AppRole method.

Using with local development Vault instance

This repository includes mechanisms for setting up a local development Vault instance on your workstation to use with the cookbook for demo purposes. Pre-built Rake tasks are present in the local Rakefile:

$ chef exec rake -T
rake local_vault_config  # Configure a running local vault instance
rake local_vault_start   # Create a local vault instance running on port 8200
  • Install HashiCorp Vault locally - [https://www.vaultproject.io]

  • Start the local vault instance (this is best done in a split terminal as the process stays open) using chef exec rake local_vault_start:

    $ chef exec rake local_vault_start
    ==> Vault server configuration:
                Api Address:
                        Cgo: disabled
            Cluster Address:
                Go Version: go1.16
                Listener 1: tcp (addr: "", cluster address: "", max_request_duration: "1m30s", max_request_size: "33554432", tls: "disabled")
                Log Level: TRACE
                    Mlock: supported: false, enabled: false
            Recovery Mode: false
                    Storage: inmem
                    Version: Vault v1.6.3
                Version Sha: b540be4b7ec48d0dd7512c8d8df9399d6bf84d76+CHANGES
    ==> Vault server started! Log data will stream in below:
  • Configure the local vault instance using the rake task local_vault_config:

    $ chef exec rake local_vault_config
      Key              Value
      ---              -----
      created_time     2021-03-11T17:06:31.007421Z
      deletion_time    n/a
      destroyed        false
      version          1
      ====== Metadata ======
      Key              Value
      ---              -----
      created_time     2021-03-11T17:06:31.007421Z
      deletion_time    n/a
      destroyed        false
      version          1
      ==== Data ====
      Key     Value
      ---     -----
      key1    key1_value
      key2    key2_value
      Success! Uploaded policy: chef-policy
      Success! Enabled approle auth method at: approle/
      Success! Data written to: auth/approle/role/chef-role
      Success! Uploaded policy: chef-role-token
      Key                  Value
      ---                  -----
      token                s.c01xCqxnKcvxOcDghhHmdkkx
      token_accessor       vT3SCX3v4MHjqJlLAaHX5kCs
      token_duration       768h
      token_renewable      true
      token_policies       ["chef-role-token" "default"]
      identity_policies    []
      policies             ["chef-role-token" "default"]
  • Note the token output from the configuration, in the above example it is s.c01xCqxnKcvxOcDghhHmdkkx. This token should be saved:

    • in the test/integration/data_bags/approle_tokens/default.json data_bag file.

    • in the kitchen.yml configuration file for test suites.

    • in the encrypted data bag encrypted_tokens:

      # cd to the test/integration directory so that it finds the data_bags path
      cd test/integration
      EDITOR=vi knife data bag edit --local-mode encrypted_tokens default --secret-file ../../files/mysecretfile
      cd ../../
  • Run kitchen test