
Search Airmail based on criteria

Simple workflow to be used with Airmail

###Compose new email

This will switch over to Airmail and open a compose window.
If you're using Airmail 2.0 please download the workflow labled 2.0. Airmail 2.0 has menu changes that affect how the workflow function.

###Search Unified inbox

Trigger: search {query}

Switches to Airmails unified inbox and puts focus on the search field. The query copies to your clipboard so you can paste it into the field. Thanks to David Ferguson in the Alfred forums for the help.

Note: If the search is currently active the search query wont trigger.

###Search by subject

Trigger: subject {query}

Similar to the above search, the context of subject is added before the search

###Search by starred

Trigger: starred {query}

Enables the starred filter prior to search. Remember to switch off the starred filer when search is complete by hitting "2"


  • enbale searching based on number of accounts, with identifiers