
🛫 simultaneously listen to air traffic control chatter & music via mpv

Primary LanguagePython


simultaneously listen to air traffic control chatter & music via mpv


  • python^3.7
  • youtube-dl
  • mpv
  • libmpv (see: https://git.io/JJNbG if this is not present after mpv installation)


  1. Clone this repository
  2. Install prerequisites
  3. Install dependencies from pyproject.toml
  4. Make sure run.py is executable

This project uses poetry for dependency management which can also be used to install and run the script.


# basic usage
./run.py -a [live_atc_feed_code] [url]

url can be anything that mpv can play (e.g. YouTube videos, YouTube playlists, Soundcloud, local files). -a is optional and expects the id of a LiveATC.net feed. See below for instructions on how to find these. The player defaults to the Tokyo Airport Arrival / Departure (rjtt_app_dep) feed.

# example: Dublin Airport + "Eno/Budd - Music for Airports 2"
./run.py -a eidw3 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzWmNYF6L9EFZ27Gu-0cky-sAFjSEWqN3
# example: JFK Airport + "William Basinski - Disintegration Loops"
./run.py -a kjfk_twr https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjnAE5go9dI
# help
./run.py -h

Finding airport codes

To print a list of popular airport feeds and their codes, go to the LiveATC.net top feeds page and run the following script in your browser console:

function getAirportCodes() {
  const rows = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.topTable tbody > tr:not(:first-child'))

  const results = []

  for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i += 1) {
    const row = rows[i]
    const fields = row.querySelectorAll('td')

    const city = fields[3].innerText
    const country = fields[5].innerText
    const description = fields[2].innerText

    const code = /^.*\('(.*?)'/.exec(fields[6].querySelector('a').getAttribute('onclick'))[1]

    console.log(code, `${city}, ${country}: ${description}`)


You can then pass the airport feed of your choice to the script via the -a flag.


Air traffic control feeds are provided by LiveATC.net. If you enjoy this listening experience, consider donating.