
Fable bindings written in the Feliz-style for plotly.js.

Primary LanguageF#MIT LicenseMIT

Feliz.Plotly Nuget

Fable bindings for plotly.js and react-plotly.js with Feliz style api for use within React applications. This repo continues Shmew's excellent work, forked from here.

Lets you build visualizations in an easy, discoverable, and safe fashion.

See the full documentation with live examples here.

A quick look:

open Feliz
open Feliz.Plotly

Plotly.plot [
    plot.traces [
        traces.scatter [
            scatter.x [ 1; 2; 3; 4 ]
            scatter.y [ 10; 15; 13; 17 ]
        traces.scatter [
            scatter.x [ 2; 3; 4; 5 ]
            scatter.y [ 16; 5; 11; 9 ]
        traces.scatter [
            scatter.x [ 1; 2; 3; 4 ]
            scatter.y [ 12; 9; 15; 12 ]
            scatter.mode [

Architecture / Code Layout

This repo has three main projects:

  1. Feliz.Generator.Plotly - Used to generate the Feliz.Plotly project.
  2. Feliz.Plotly - The generated project resulting from running the generator
  3. App - This is the application used to display documentation for Feliz.Plotly.

Development / Contributing

This repository makes extensive use of vscode's development containers feature. You can use this with Github codespaces to boot up a development environment in your browser.