
Simple way to add your pair to a git commit message

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status Code Climate


Simple way to add your pair to a git commit message.


Unlike many other gems it changes only user.name and does NOT change your email address in git config, so Github can associate your commit to github account properly. This is especially useful for Github graphs and statistics.

Installation and Usage

gem install simple-git-pair
git pair init
git pair nt ae # changes your git user.name to "Nikola Tesla & Alfred Einstein"

Available commands

git pair init                        # create a sample .git_pairs file in your home directory
git pair add <initials> <Full Name>  # add a new pair
git pair delete <initial>            # delete a pair from .git_pairs
git pair list                        # list all available pairs
git pair help                        # display a help page

Supported Rubies

  • 2.1.0
  • 2.0.0
  • 1.9.3

Issues and Contributions

Feel free to submit issues, pull requests or [feedback](mailto: a.tamoykin@gmail.com)

Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Alexander Tamoykin. Licensed under the MIT LICENSE