
Simple sample terraform to deploy Threat Manager (P12 or higher)

Primary LanguageHCL


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AWS Terraform Template for AlertLogic Threat Manager

Use this template to deploy Alert Logic Threat Manager into your existing AWS infrasturcture.


  • Alert Logic account and unique registration key (otherwise enable autoclaim -- see notes below)
  • Target VPC and public subnet to deploy the Threat Manager appliance


Sample usage

  1. Add the required variables on the tfvars file and match it to your AWS environment, see detail below for each variables description
  2. Apply the terraform template and wait until the Threat Manager appliance launched
  3. Identify the internal / external IP from the Terraform state or directly from AWS console
  4. open HTTP://external-ip (or HTTP://internal-ip)
  5. enter unique registration code to claim the appliance, or skip this process if you are using auto-claim


  • claim_CIDR : source IP CIDR that is allowed to perform web claim on port 80, i.e. or specific subnet range
  • monitoring_CIDR : CIDR netblock to be monitored (Where agents will be installed)
  • instance_type : minimum recommended size is c4.xlarge
  • tag_name : Provide a tag name for your Threat Manager instance
  • subnet_id : ID of a subnet, with a default route to an IGW or NAT GW, into which Threat Manager will be deployed
  • vpc_id : VPC into which Threat Manager will be deployed
  • create_eip : Set value to 1(true) if you want to deploy it on public subnet, otherwise set to 0(false)

License and Authors

License: Distributed under the Apache 2.0 license.

Authors: Welly Siauw (welly.siauw@alertlogic.com)