Custom Guardrail and Service Catalog Demo


The Health Information Trust Alliance Common Security Framework (HITRUST CSF) leverages nationally and internationally accepted standards and regulations such as GDPR, ISO, NIST, PCI, and HIPAA to create a comprehensive set of baseline security and privacy controls. HITRUST has developed the HITRUST CSF Assurance Program, which incorporates the common requirements, methodology, and tools that enable an organization and its business partners to take a consistent and incremental approach to managing compliance. Further, it allows business partners and vendors to assess and report against multiple sets of requirements.

AWS customers can design and implement an AWS environment, and use AWS services in a manner that supports the requirements of HITRUST CSF. Customers can also leverage certain controls established under the HITRUST CSF validated assessment of AWS services. HITRUST compliance requires many elements to be successful. Policies, Procedures and proof of effective implementation are all required elements across the various HITRUST domains. When implemented correctly, AWS Control Tower can help customers achieve a more mature level of compliance known as “Measured and Managed”. Implementation of Guardrails, AWS Config rules and service control policies can make ongoing compliance efforts more automated.


AWS Control Tower provides several built in Guardrails that provides ongoing governance for your overall AWS environments. AWS Control Tower implements preventive and detective guardrails to help you govern your resources and monitor compliance across groups of AWS accounts.

AWS Service Catalog allows organization to create and manage catalog of IT services. AWS Service Catalog allows you to centrally manage commonly deployed IT services and helps you achieve consistent governance and meet your compliance requirements.

Customers and partners often ask how to add custom guardrail in Control Tower and how to achieve consistent governance going forward.

In this lab, you will:

  • Enable optional guardrail built-in from AWS Control Tower.
  • Deploy AWS Config rules using CloudFormation StackSet to apply custom detective guardrail.
  • Deploy Service Control Policies in AWS Organizations to enforce custom preventive guardrail.
  • Deploy custom AWS Service Catalog to suit your organization needs and compliance.


  1. This lab requires an account with Administrator privileges and Control Tower.
  2. Use CloudFormation New Console. All instructions of this lab are based off new console.
  3. If you are still on old console, expand CloudFormation on top left and choose New Console
  4. Stay in one of the supported regions, us-west-2, us-east-2, us-east-1, eu-west-1 for this lab.
  5. Choose one Organization Unit as target for custom guardrail deployment.
  • Click HERE to view detail of your AWS Organizational units.
  • Click on the Organizational units that you choose as target for deployment.
  • Take note of the ID, it will be in format such as ou-xxxxxxxxxx
  1. Choose one target account that you will use for test, we will refer this as Account A in this lab. Account A must be in the same OU ID that you choose above.

Lab A - Enable Optional Guardrail

In this section of the lab, you will select and enable three optional guardrails.

Guardrail Name Outcomes
Enable encryption for EBS volumes attached to EC2 instances Detects whether EBS volume created without encryption
Disallow Public Read Access to Amazon S3 Buckets Detects whether public read access is allowed to Amazon S3 buckets
Disallow Amazon RDS Database Instances That Are Not Storage Encrypted Detects whether your Amazon RDS database instances are not encrypted at rest, along with their automated backups, Read Replicas, and snapshots.

Please follow instruction in the link HERE to enable these guardrails.


Don't forget to explore and try to create guardrail violation based on three setup mentioned above, observe how you can find the status of compliance in AWS Control Tower dashboard.

Lab B - Deploy Custom AWS Config Rules

In this section of the lab, you will create new Detective guardrail to alert you when S3 bucket does not have default encryption enabled. AWS Config has built-in rules for this check called: S3_BUCKET_SERVER_SIDE_ENCRYPTION_ENABLED, we will utilize this rules and deploy a new custom guardrail.

Step 1 - Launch stackset to deploy custom detective guardrail

You will launch a CloudFormation Stackset to deploy this custom detective guardrail into your target OUs.

1.1. Log in to your AWS Control Tower master account.

1.2. Choose the appropriate region.

1.3. Click on the Launch Stackset button below to start deploying the stack.


1.4. While on Create Stackset page, enter the Amazon S3 URL:

1.5 Choose NEXT.

1.6. On Specify Stackset details page, enter your choice for StackSet name and choose NEXT

1.7. On Configure StackSet options under Permission section, select Service managed permissions and choose NEXT

1.8. On Deployment targets section, select Deploy to organizational units (OUs) and enter the AWS OU ID according to notes you took in the Prerequisite stage.

1.9. On Specify regions section, select the AWS Regions where you would like to deploy this custom config. Control Tower supported regions can be found here

1.10 Choose NEXT to proceed. Review the selection and choose SUBMIT to deploy the Stackset.

1.11. Wait until the stackset operations change to SUCCEEDED

Step 2 - Verify the custom detective guardrail

As of time of writing, custom detective guardrail (Config) is not visible in the Control Tower dashboard, to verify the compliance of custom guardrail you will use AWS Config dashboard at the individual account level. NOTE :

you need to perform this action on AWS account A (see Prerequisite) that is member of the AWS Control Tower, consider using separate browser session.

2.1. Log in to AWS Account A that belongs to the AWS OU ID that you specified previously.

2.2 Click HERE to jump to the AWS Config rules view.

2.3 In the AWS Config Rules page, click the newly created config rule AWSControlTower_CUSTOM-GR_S3-SSE

2.4 Observe the compliance status, try to create incompliance resource (S3 bucket without default encryption enabled) and check how long it takes for AWS Config to detect the incompliance resource.

Step 3 - Receive warning for custom detective guardrail

AWS Control Tower automatically aggregates all security notification into the Audit account. You can subscribe to the SNS notification in the Audit account to receive warning for incompliance resources.


you need to perform this action on your Audit account, consider using separate browser session.

3.1. Log in to Control Tower Audit account using Administrator role.

3.2 Click HERE to jump to the AWS Simple Notification Service (SNS).

3.3 Find topic with name aws-controltower-AggregateSecurityNotifications and click on the topic name.

3.4 Under Subscriptions tab, click Create Subscription

3.5 On the Create subscription page, select protocol of your choice, for this lab, choose Email.

3.6 On the Endpoint field, enter your email address and click Create Subscription

3.7 Check your email inbox for SNS confirmation email, don't forget to click Confirm subscription

3.8 Now, repeat test that you did previously on Step 2 and review the alert that you receive in your email.

Lab C - Deploy Custom AWS SCP

In this section of the lab, you will create new Preventive guardrail that will prevent you from creating resource that did not align with the compliance requirements.

Step 4 - Download sample SCP

Download all SCP's below and save it in your computer before you proceed.

Guardrail Name Outcomes
SCP-S3-SSE Enforce all objects in S3 bucket must have server side encryption enabled
SCP-S3-NO-PUBLIC Enforce S3 bucket with block public access enabled
SCP-RDS-ENCRYPT Enforce RDS instance with encryption enabled
SCP-EBS-ENCRYPT Enforce EBS volume with encryption enabled

Step 5 - Create new SCP

First you need to build the new SCP based on the example JSON file that you downloaded earlier.

5.1. Log in to Control Tower Master account using Administrator role.

5.2. Click HERE to sign in to the Organizations console.

  • On the Policies tab, choose Service control policies.
  • On the Service control policies page, choose Create policy.
  • On the Create policy page, enter a name and description for the policy. Use the table above as reference for the SCP name.

5.3. On the Policy statement page, copy the content of the JSON SCP file that you downloaded earlier and paste it into the policy statement field.

5.4. Choose Create Policy to confirm.

5.5. Repeat step 5.2 and 5.4 for all SCP document.


AWS Organization has limit of 5 (five) SCP that you can attach to root, OUs or Accounts. In real world scenario, you may want to create single SCP that combine all the guardrails.

Step 6 - Apply SCP to Organizational Unit (OU)

Next you will apply this SCP to one target OU of your choice. Make sure you have AWS account under your target OU to test the effectiveness of your SCP.


We strongly recommends that you don't attach SCPs to the root of your organization and the Core OU without thoroughly testing the impact that the policy has on accounts.

6.1. Click HERE to sign in to the Organizations console.

6.2 On the Organize accounts tab, choose the target AWS OU for test from the left navigation panel.

  • In the details pane on the right side, choose Service control policies.
  • On the Service control policies page, select the SCP that you want and choose Attach.

6.3 Repeat step 6.2 for other SCP that you would like to apply and test.

Step 7 - Test the SCP effect to Accounts under the target OU

As of time of writing, custom preventive guardrail (SCP) is not visible in the Control Tower dashboard, to verify the enforcement of custom guardrail you will use attempt to perform action at the individual account level.


you need to perform this action on AWS Account A (see Prerequisite) that is member of the AWS Control Tower, consider using separate browser session.

7.1. Log in to AWS Account A that belongs to the AWS OU ID that you specified previously.

7.2. Perform action such as:

7.3 Observe the warning that you receive, try to de-attach the SCP from your Control Tower Master account and observe the behavior.

Lab D - Deploy Customized Service Catalog Portfolio

In this section of the lab, you will deploy new AWS Service Catalog portfolio that encompass all governance discussed above (encryption and public access). For this demo purpose, this service catalog porfolio will be deployed directly to the individual target account.

Step 8 - Deploy Service Catalog Portfolio


you need to perform this action on AWS Account A (see Prerequisite) that is member of the AWS Control Tower, consider using separate browser session.

8.1. Log in to AWS Account A that belongs to the AWS OU ID that you specified previously.

8.2 Click HERE to jump to IAM role console.

8.3. Use the search box and type AWSReservedSSO_AWSAdministratorAccess

8.4 Click on the role name to open the role Summary page.

8.5. Take a note of the Role Name, it should be in format AWSReservedSSO_AWSAdministratorAccess_xxxxxxxxxx

8.6. Click on the Launch Stack button below to start deploying the stack.


8.7. While on Create Stackset page, Choose NEXT.

8.8. On Specify Stackset details page, enter your choice for Stack name

8.9. Under parameter LinkedRole1 enter the IAM Role Name that you copied on step 8.5.

8.10. Choose NEXT

8.11. On Configure stack options page, leave the default settings and choose NEXT

8.12. On Review page, make sure to select checkbox for

  • I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names.
  • I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might require the following capability: CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND

8.13. Choose Create Stack

Step 9 - Provision Service Catalog Product

Now you can use the Service Catalog product from the portfolio and provision certain resource that align with the organization governance and compliance.


You must login using AWS SSO with role AWSReservedSSO_AWSAdministratorAccess_xxxxxxxxxx in order to access service catalog product

9.1. Log in to AWS Account A that belongs to the AWS OU ID that you specified previously.

9.2. Click HERE to jump to Service Catalog product console.

9.3. Select one of the product that you want to provision. Choose Launch Product

9.4. On the Product Version page, enter the Provisioned product name and select the default version. Choose Next.

9.5. On the Parameters page, enter the requested parameters (differ per each product type). Choose Next.

9.6. On the TagOptions page, enter any optional tags if you want. Choose Next.

9.7. On the Notification page, leave the default setting and choose Next.

9.8. On the Review page, review the selection and choose Launch.

9.9. After the provision product launched successfully, explore the newly created resource and confirm if it match the mandatory requirements (encryption enabled by default).


You have successfully deployed optional and custom guardrail into AWS Control Tower to manage governance and compliance requirement of your organization. See additional link below for ideas on how to further customize your deployment.

Custom Guardrails

For deploying custom guardrail (SCP and AWS Config) across multiple accounts with automation, consider using Customizations for AWS Control Tower to build CI/CD pipeline for custom guardrails.

Service Catalog Pipeline

For deploying Service Catalog portfolio across multiple accounts, you can use: