File Server and Client

It uses TCP protocol and RSA encryption.

Supports downloading/uploading/deleting files, creating/deleting directories, listing files & directories on the server and getting the server time.



Server application

You just write in the desired port, and the server starts listening.

The log can be used to monitor what is happening. It logs the request of every connected client. It also logs any errors that happened when serving the clients (i.e. non-existent directory).


Client application

You can get a list of files and directories in a specific directory on the server. To get the root content, use '/'.

Listing files and directories

To download a file, choose option 3. Then you have to type in the file path on the server and choose where to download it. The encrypted content of the file is downloaded to a temporary file, and then decrypted.

Downloading a file

Of course, you don't have to write the client file paths by hand because there is a handy windows file dialog.

File dialog

In case you misspell the server path or any other invalid operation occurs, you get some feedback of what went wrong.

Error handling


.NET Framework 4.6.1