The title says it all. This is the fastest Mandelbrot calculator for the Apple1. At minimum zoom, it computes the Mandelbrot 3 times faster than the Apple1 can display it.
This demo as been designed for Aberco/SiliconInsider yet-to-be-released Apple1 ROM card.
If you want to use the demo standalone, use either the binary file mandelbrot65.o65 or the hex file.
You can also copy/paste the hex file on an Apple1 emulator (Reset key+Load button+copy/paste hex (with a CR at the end)+wait text stops scrolling+280R
The demo is made to be loaded at address 0x0280 and run with a 280R
(or launched from the menu of the Apple1 1 ROM card).
You will need 8K of RAM between 0000-1FFF to run it.
The demo will wait for a key press (to initialize its internal random number generator) then draw a Mandelbrot set and perform a series of 4 level of zooms.
At any time, you can press a key to skip the initial messages or the mandelbrot displays.
Use the xa
assembler and the top level Makefile.
will make the binary and the hex file.
make mandelbrot.o65
will make the binary only.
make clean
to remove binaries and compilation artificats.
The content of others
directory contains a C++ program that was used to validate during the development. It is trash undocumented code (but has been very helpful).
We wanted to include a Mandelbrot demo on the ROM card, but the existing demos were using AppleSoft Basic, which will not be present on the default 32K version of the card. I wasn't able to find a good version of Mandelbrot, so decided to write one.
See the blog post on for additional details.