
Bazel WORKSPACE rules for Google's Maven repository

Primary LanguagePython

A bzl file that contains maven_jar and maven_aar rules for all artifacts in https://maven.google.com. Not guaranteed to be correct or up to date. Some of the artifacts depend on artifacts that are not present on https://maven.google.com. We ignore these and hope not to fail.

To use this from your project, in your WORKSPACE file add

    name = 'gmaven_rules',
    remote = 'https://github.com/aj-michael/gmaven_rules',
    commit = '<FILL IN A COMMIT HERE>',
load('@gmaven_rules//:gmaven.bzl', 'gmaven_rules')

You can then reference the generated library targets from your BUILD files like:

load("@gmaven_rules//:defs.bzl", "gmaven_artifact")
    deps = [

You can see the full list of generated targets in gmaven.bzl.

To regenerate gmaven.bzl, run the following command. It will take about 5 minutes.

rm gmaven.bzl && javac GMavenToBazel.java && java GMavenToBazel