
Automated Machine Learning for Imbalanced Binary Classification.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

build status LMU: Munich code style: black

Automated Machine Learning for Imbalanced Binary Classification

This repository contains my use case submission for the course Automated Machine Learning held by Dr. Janek Thomas and Lennart Schneider at the LMU Munich in the winter term 2022/23.

The objective of this use case was to build a automated machine learning tool for imbalanced binary classification.


The requirements and additional information are specified in setup.cfg.

Clone this repository

git clone https://github.com/fstermann/autoibc

Install the package with pip

pip install .

or if you want to install the package with all optional dependencies to produce visualizations

pip install -e .[viz]
# pip install -e ".[viz]" # Escape for zsh


You might need to install the latest version of swig in order to install pyrfr.


The basic AutoIBC class can be used like any sklearn estimator. As such, you can pass it into the cross_val_score function to cross validate the system.

from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold, cross_val_score
from autoibc import AutoIBC
from autoibc.data import Dataset

# Instantiate the tool
auto_ibc = AutoIBC()

# Load the dataset
X, y = Dataset.from_openml(idx).to_numpy()

# Cross validate
cv = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=3)
cross_val_score(auto_ibc, X, y, scoring="balanced_accuracy", cv=cv)

To control variables such as inner cross validation splits, or the number of trials, you can pass these parameter to cross_val_score with the fit_params argument.

        cv_splits=5, # Number of inner cross validation splits
        outer_cv=True, # Tells the system to save the runs for each outer fold

Manual Configuration

You can also configure a pipeline on your own. Simply pass in the name of the step along with a list of components to the AutoPipeline constructor. Alternatively, pass in components as a dictionary, where the key is the component and the value is the weight assigned to it. The weight will be used by the optimization process.

It is also possible to instruct to try out configurations which skip the step. Simply pass in None as one of the components.

from autoibc.components import classification, preprocessing, sampling
from autoibc.data import Dataset
from autoibc.pipeline import AutoPipeline

# Set up the pipeline with 3 steps
pipeline = AutoPipeline(
            None, # Will consider configurations where no sampling is done
            classification.AutoRandomForest(): 3, # Prefer Random Forst
            classification.AutoGradientBoosting(): 1,

To create a new component, you can create a new class that inherits from BaseAutoIBC and implements the configspace property method. Make sure to pass the sklearn model to the model argument of the BaseAutoIBC constructor.

Example for setting a new component for a Random Forest:

from ConfigSpace import ConfigurationSpace
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier

from autoibc.base import BaseAutoIBC
from autoibc.hp import Boolean, Categorical, Float, Integer
from autoibc.util import make_configspace

class AutoRandomForest(BaseAutoIBC):
    def __init__(self) -> None:

    def configspace(self) -> ConfigurationSpace:
        return make_configspace(
            Boolean("bootstrap", default=True),
            Categorical("criterion", ["gini", "entropy"], default="gini"),
            Float("max_features", (0.0, 1.0), default=0.5),
            Integer("min_samples_leaf", (1, 20), default=1),


To compare the performance of the system on the given benchmark datasets against a random forest baseline, run:

python -m benchmark

The benchmark has been run on Google Colab. To avoid dependecy conflicts between tensorflow, you might need to run

!pip install numpy~=1.23.0

after installation of the package.


The following datasets from OpenML are used in the benchmark example:

ID Dataset % Small Class # Features # Observations
976 JapaneseVowels 0.16 15 9961
980 optdigits 0.10 65 5620
1002 ipums_la_98-small 0.10 56 7485
1018 ipums_la_99-small 0.06 57 8844
1019 pendigits 0.10 17 10992
1021 page-blocks 0.10 11 5473
1040 sylva_prior 0.06 109 14395
1053 jm1 0.19 22 10885
1116 musk 0.15 170 6598
41160 rl 0.16 23 31406


Visulations of the benchmark results can be found in the visualization notebook.

Additional Packages

The following packages are used in the implementation: