Creates a hot backup of your Empire server installation and optionally copies it to a offsite server.
Official support sites: Official Github Repo - Official Forum
Make sure ssh-keygen is installed: "apt install ssh-keygen"
Run "ssh-keygen" and when asked for the password just press enter twice
Run "ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ your-destination-server" - This will ask you for your remote password. This is normal.
Edit the settings at the top of if needed
After the first run edit the ~/.sbackuprc and change your settings if you want to use the offsite backup feature. The next run it should save to your remote host.
create a cron job like this:
1 1 * * * /home/empowner/EmpireBackup/
This will back up your SBBS installation at 1:01am each day, and keep the last 5 backups.
If you need more help visit and check out this website: