
:diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: Converts Flow and TypeScript definitions to Reason interfaces

Primary LanguageOCamlMIT LicenseMIT

  $ npm install --global reasonably-typed

Converts TypeScript and Flow definitions to Reason interfaces

Take your Flow or TypeScript definition

// class.js
declare module 'classes' {
  declare type State = {
    id: number,
    storeName: string

  declare export class Store {
    constructor(initialState: State): Store;
    state: State;
    update(nextState: State): void;

Run retyped

$ retyped compile class.js

Get Reason

/* Module classes */

type state = Js.t {. id : float, storeName : string};

type store = Js.t {. state : state, update : nextState::state => unit [@bs.meth]};

external create_store : initialState::state => store =
  "Store" [@@bs.new] [@@bs.module "classes"];




TypeScript has a similar workflow. Compile your TypeScript file with:

$ retyped compile my-definition.d.ts


ReasonablyTyped can automatically compile all FlowTyped definitions in your repo. Run

$ retyped compile --flow-typed

Command-line Usage

  compile [files...]  Generate BuckleScript interfaces from a file

  --version     Show version number                                    [boolean]
  --help        Show help                                              [boolean]

Usage as a library ReasonablyTyped also exports a library for use! See the example below:
// lib-usage.js
import * as ReasonablyTyped from 'reasonably-typed'

const libSrc = fs.readFileSync('lib.js').toString()
const bsInterface = ReasonablyTyped.compile(libSrc)

format (code: string) => string

Formats a block of code using refmt

compile (code: string, filename?: string) => string

Compiles a libdef, formats the result, and handles errors cleanly




  • Basic types like string
  • Function types
  • Record types
  • Literals as types
  • Union types
  • Instersection types
  • Named types
  • Optional parameters
  • Classes
  • Generics
  • Built-ins like Promises
  • React components