
Primary LanguageC++

An OpenFlow Extension for the OMNeT++ INET Framework

On this website, we present the implementation of our model of the OpenFlow system for INET-2.0 and OMNeT++ 4.2 based on the OpenFlow switch specification 1.0.

Required changes to the INET framework 2.0

The following changes are required so that the FlatNetworkConfigurator ignores the data plane interfaces for OpenFlow switches. The EtherMACBase::registerInterface method in src/linklayer/ethernet/EtherMACBase is changed so that the data plane interfaces of OpenFlow swtiches are not added to the InterfaceTable module and hence are ignored by the FlatNetworkConfigurator.

Modify file src/linklayer/ethernet/EtherMACBase

Change method EtherMACBase::registerInterface


if (ift)


if (ift && par("doRegisterAtIft").boolValue())

ADD new parameter

bool doRegisterAtIft = default(true);

in the following modules:

  • EtherMAC.ned
  • EtherMACFullDuplex.ned


More informations about the implementation can be found on our webpage: link.