
An interactive PHP console for Magento.

Primary LanguagePHP

Magento Console

This script will provide an interactive console similar to rails console if you're familiar with Ruby on Rails.

In order to use this, you need to have php-cli installed with readline support.


PHP >= 4.2.3 w/ libreadline support


Using modman.


  1. Download the shell/console.php and shell/console files into the shell folder in your Magento root.
  2. Make the console script executable with chmod +x shell/console.


To run the console, simply execute ./shell/console from the root of your Magento project. Now you can run all sorts of Magento code from the shell:

franklin@ubuntu:/var/www$ ./shell/console
Interactive shell

php > $user = Mage::getModel('admin/user')->load(1);
php > print_r($user->getData());
    [user_id] => 1
    [firstname] => Franklin
    [lastname] => Strube
    [email] => 
    [username] => admin
    [password] => 
    [created] => 2012-11-18 18:18:53
    [modified] => 2013-10-11 04:53:43
    [logdate] => 2012-11-18 23:18:53
    [lognum] => 6
    [reload_acl_flag] => 0
    [is_active] => 1
    [extra] => Array
            [configState] => Array
                    [web_url] => 0
                    [web_seo] => 0
                    [web_unsecure] => 1
                    [web_secure] => 1
                    [web_default] => 0
                    [web_polls] => 0
                    [web_cookie] => 0
                    [web_session] => 0
                    [web_browser_capabilities] => 0
                    [dev_restrict] => 0
                    [dev_debug] => 0
                    [dev_template] => 0
                    [dev_translate_inline] => 0
                    [dev_log] => 1
                    [dev_js] => 0
                    [dev_css] => 0
