An editor plugin for Godot 4.3+ to help you with editing your 3D levels and quick prototyping. It currently only supports asset placement.
- AliTsuki
- AmirDotDev0
- andreas-volzGermany
- AndreaTerenzUniversity of Bologna
- cridenourCincinnati, OH
- electriceeli@treatmyocd
- ElGentios
- enfp-dev-studio
- engimaxp
- gabriel-comeauMontreal, Quebec
- geowarinFreelancer
- glebasos
- iBoonie
- ice-ko
- immaculate-lift-studio
- IvailoBurov
- jacobdufault
- jemorya
- JonnotieAuckland
- KMouratidis@thomsonreuters
- lavstudia
- McCarsy
- Notiee
- R1cHeroTurkey
- RancidMilkGames
- redvulpsUber
- saierXP
- sheenli
- SSebigoWhispering Stars
- strzleeJausentest
- Teatek
- TheHippoPaessler
- TheylokAustria
- Tralexium
- trekfan42
- zhangjiangen11