Todo list app

In this project I used:

  • Node & Express
  • GraphQL
  • Apollo (Client-Server)
  • Typescript
  • React/Redux
  • Docker
  • Github

Docker instructions:

Run project with docker-compose:

docker-compose up

Run project with docker cli

docker network create todo-network
docker build --tag todo-mongo:1 db
docker run --name todo-mongo-container --net todo-network todo-mongo:1
docker build --tag todo-server:1 server
docker run --name todo-server-container --net todo-network --publish 3000:3000 todo-server:1
docker build --tag todo-client:1 client
docker run --name todo-client-container --net todo-network --publish 4000:3001 todo-client:1

After running the above docker commands, the todo app is available in host machine at http://localhost:4000/