
An extensible input methods launcher

Primary LanguageC++BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

Chameleon Tongue: An extensible input method launcher

How to Customize Input Method to Start

User-level preference:

$ im-settings select ibus


$ mkdir ~/.config/input-method
$ cd ~/.config/input-method
$ ln -s /usr/lib/input-method/profile.d/ibus target

System-level preference

This settings are used for all the users who does not have user-level preference above.

$ mkdir /etc/xdg/input-method
$ cd /etc/xdg/input-method
$ ln -s /usr/lib/input-method/profile.d/ibus target

Option arguments for IM startup scripts

Force LibreOffice GNOME for better IM support

$ im-settings config --set global.ooo_force_desktop_gnome ture

Input method framework specific feature


If the current desktop environment is KDE and an Kimpanel applet is placed on the desktop, the launch script included in this launcher enables IBus Kimpanel panel application. Otherwise, the script selects ibus-ui-gtk3.

If you want to force ibus-ui-gtk3, run the follwoing command:

$ im-settings config --set ibus.panel=/usr/lib64/ibus/ibus-ui-gtk3

Note that the path to ibus-ui-gtk3 might be different in your environment.