
Automatically setup and serve webhooks for the Twitter Account Activity API

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Autohook 🎣

Autohook configures and manages Twitter webhooks for you. Zero configuration. Just run and go!


  • 🚀 Spawns a server for you
  • ⚙️ Registers a webhook (it removes existing webhooks if you want, and you can add more than one webhook if your Premium subscription supports it)
  • ✅ Performs the CRC validation when needed
  • 📝 Subscribes to your current user's context (you can always subscribe more users if you need)
  • 🎧 Exposes a listener so you can pick up Account Activity events and process the ones you care about


You can use Autohook as a module or as a command-line tool.

Node.js module

const { Autohook } = require('twitter-autohook');

(async ƛ => {
  const webhook = new Autohook();
  // Removes existing webhooks
  await webhook.removeWebhooks();
  // Listens to incoming activity
  webhook.on('event', event => console.log('Something happened:', event));
  // Starts a server and adds a new webhook
  await webhook.start();
  // Subscribes to a user's activity
  await webhook.subscribe({oauth_token, oauth_token_secret});

Command line

Starting Autohook from the command line is useful when you need to test your connection and subscriptions.

When started from the command line, Autohook simply provisions a webhook, subscribes your user (unless you specify --do-not-subscribe-me), and echoes incoming events to stdout.

# Starts a server, removes any existing webhook, adds a new webhook, and subscribes to the authenticating user's activity.
$ autohook -rs

# All the options
$ autohook --help


Autohook works only when you pass your OAuth credentials. You won't have to figure out OAuth by yourself – Autohook will work that out for you.

You can pass your OAuth credentials in a bunch of ways.

Dotenv (~/.env.twitter)

Create a file named ~/.env.twitter (sits in your home dir) with the following variables:

TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY= # https://developer.twitter.com/en/apps ➡️ Your app ID ➡️ Details ➡️ API key
TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET= # https://developer.twitter.com/en/apps ➡️ Your app ID ➡️ Details ➡️ API secret key
TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN= # https://developer.twitter.com/en/apps ➡️ Your app ID ➡️ Details ➡️ Access token
TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET= # https://developer.twitter.com/en/apps ➡️ Your app ID ➡️ Details ➡️ Access token secret
TWITTER_WEBHOOK_ENV= # https://developer.twitter.com/en/account/environments ➡️ One of 'Dev environment label' or 'Prod environment label'
NGROK_AUTH_TOKEN= # https://ngrok.com/ - (optional) Create a free account to get your auth token for stable tunnels

Autohook will pick up these details automatically, so you won't have to specify anything in code or via CLI.

Env variables

Useful when you're deploying to remote servers, and can be used in conjunction with your dotenv file.

# To your current environment
export TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY= # https://developer.twitter.com/en/apps ➡️ Your app ID ➡️ Details ➡️ API key
export TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET= # https://developer.twitter.com/en/apps ➡️ Your app ID ➡️ Details ➡️ API secret key
export TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN= # https://developer.twitter.com/en/apps ➡️ Your app ID ➡️ Details ➡️ Access token
export TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET= # https://developer.twitter.com/en/apps ➡️ Your app ID ➡️ Details ➡️ Access token secret
export TWITTER_WEBHOOK_ENV= # https://developer.twitter.com/en/account/environments ➡️ One of 'Dev environment label' or 'Prod environment label'
export NGROK_AUTH_TOKEN= # https://ngrok.com/ - (optional) Create a free account to get your auth token for stable tunnels

# To other services, e.g. Heroku


Not recommended, because you should always secure your credentials.


new Autohook({
  token: 'value',
  token_secret: 'value',
  consumer_key: 'value',
  consumer_secret: 'value',
  ngrok_secret: 'value', // optional
  env: 'env',
  port: 1337


$ autohook \
  --consumer-key $TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY \
  --consumer-secret $TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET \
  --ngrok-secret $NGROK_AUTH_TOKEN # optional


# npm
$ npm i -g twitter-autohook

# Yarn
$ yarn global add twitter-autohook