
Docker Infrastructure via docker-compose (Jenkins, SonarQube, Nexus, GitLab)

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Forked from https://github.com/marcelbirkner/docker-ci-tool-stack, thanks so much.

This minor modifications are just for having last version of Gitlab and postgress as well as some minor modifications for using environment variables to store passwords.

TODO Change the CHANGE_ME text for references to environment variables inside every container if possible.

CI Tools Demo

This GitHub repository contains Dockerfiles for running a set of Continuous Integration Tools with a single command. The diagram contains all tools used in the Docker containers.

Docker CI Tools

Prerequisites (Mac)

You should have Docker Toolbox installed, see https://www.docker.com/toolbox

I am using docker-compose to start several docker container at once. Since all containers run in a single VM (virtualbox), this VM needs enough memory.

Step 0 - List Docker Machine

~/git/docker-ci-tool-stack$ docker-machine ls

NAME      ACTIVE   DRIVER       STATE     URL                         SWARM
default   *        virtualbox   Running   tcp://

Step 1 - Stop your docker VM

define environment variables for DB_PASSWD and SMTP_PASSWD. Remember to replace every CHANGE_ME text for the DB_PASSWD defined.

docker-machine stop default

Step 2 - Increase Memory via VirtualBox UI

I am using 6000MB for my VM.


Step 3 - Start VM

docker-machine start default

Getting started

To get all docker containers up and running use:

git clone https://github.com/ftenaf/docker-ci-tool-stack.git
cd docker-ci-tool-stack
docker-compose up

Access Tools

Tool Link Credentials
Jenkins http://${docker-machine ip default}:8080/jenkins/ no login required
SonarQube http://${docker-machine ip default}:9000/ admin/admin
Nexus http://${docker-machine ip default}:8081/nexus admin/admin123
GitLab http://${docker-machine ip default}:10080/ root/5iveL!fe
Selenium Grid http://${docker-machine ip default}:4444/grid/console no login required


Here is an overview of all tools:

  • GitLab is used for storing the Sourcecode
  • Jenkins contains build job and is triggered once projects in GitLab are updated
  • As part of the CI build, Jenkins triggers a static code analysis and the results are stored in SonarQube
  • The Maven build uses Nexus as a Proxy Repository for all 3rd party libs. The build artefacts are deployed to the Nexus Release Repository
  • The Selenium Grid contains Docker containers running Chrome and Firefox and is used for UI tests

Jenkins Jobs

There are several jobs preconfigured in Jenkins. The Jobs cover the following tasks:

  • Continuous Integration Build with Maven
  • Unit Tests
  • Static Source Analysis results are stored in SonarQube
  • JaCoCo Test Coverage
  • Deployment to Nexus
  • Jenkins Job DSL examples
  • Selenium UI Test

Conference App Jobs

Conference App CI Job

SonarQube Dashboard

Jenkins Jobs

Nexus Repository

Nexus Proxy Repository

Selenium Grid

Selenium Grid