
PHP Template Engine Kept Simple (with a Service Provider for Silex)

Primary LanguagePHP

Teks PHP - Template Engine Kept Simple

$tpl = new \Teks\Template('/path/to/templates');
$tpl = new \Teks\Layout($tpl, 'layouts/default.php');

$tpl->base = '/path/to/base';
$tpl->css = array('css/main.css', array('css/print.css' => /*media:*/ 'print'));
$tpl->js = array('https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1/jquery.js', 

echo $tpl->render('hello.php', array('name' => 'Bob'));

Teks on Silex

Teks provide a Service Provider for the Silex micro framework

$app = new Silex\Application;

$app['autoloader']->registerNamespace('Teks', __DIR__.'/path/to/vendors');

$app->register(new Teks\SilexProvider(), array(
    'teks.settings' => array(
        'path' => __DIR__.'/path/to//templates',
        'layout' => 'layouts/default.php',
        'css' => array('css/main.css', array('css/print.css' => 'print')),
        'js' => array(
        'base' => dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']),


$app->get('/hello_teks', function() use($app) { 
    return $app['teks']->render('hello.php', array(
        'name' => 'Bob'



In any Teks template, the app variable refers to the Application object. So you can access any services from within your view.

How the view looks like

$this->title = 'Hello World!';
$this->description = 'Hello description!';
$this->canonical = 'http://example.com/hello';
$this->js[] = 'js/something.js';
<div class=action>
    <p>Hello <?php echo htmlspecialchars($name) ?>!</p>
    <?php echo $this->render('_partial.php') ?>

How the layout looks like

<!doctype html>

<?php echo $this->render('helpers/head.php') ?>


    <div class=layout>
        <?php echo $content ?>

<?php echo $this->render('helpers/js.php') ?>