
Library for the Intel SGX SDK with basic helper functions

Primary LanguageC


This library contains helper functions for developing enclaves. These include

  • debugging helpers (printf function)
  • file operations


Page 43 in the SGX SDK guide v1.1 gives details on how to create and use an enclave library.

A reference project that consumes this library can be found at github.com/ftes/sgx-lib-consumer/


  1. Import sgx_lib_{u,t} projects
  2. Switch configuration to Simulation
  3. Consume library in untrusted app (see below)
  4. Consume library in trusted enclave (see below)
  5. Use and configure SGX debugger (see below)

Consume library in Untrusted Project (application)

  • Properties -> Common Properties -> Frameworks and References -> Add sgx_lib_u`
  • Add additional include directory: ..\sgx-lib\include and ..\sgx-lib\sgx_lib_u\include (relative path may differ, depending on your setup)

Consume library in Trusted Project (enclave)

  • Properties -> Common Properties -> Frameworks and References -> Add sgx_lib_t`
  • Add additional include directories: ..\sgx-lib\include and ..\sgx-lib\sgx_lib_t\include (relative path may differ, depending on your setup)
  • Set macro SGX_ENCLAVE (header problem with sgx_lib_stdio.h)
  • Import OCALLs and ECALLs by adding to your enclave.edl: from "../sgx-lib/sgx_lib_t/sgx_lib.edl" import *; (relative path may differ, depending on your setup)

Configure Debugger

  • Use the Intel SGX Debugger
  • Set Configuration Properties->Debugging->WorkingDirectory to $(OutDir)


Insecure I/O operations

Enabled by the SGX_INSECURE_IO_OPERATIONS macro.

During development, insecure I/O operations can be used. These allow data to leave the enclave unencrypted. When including legacy code, this allows legacy compatible behaviour, without security garuantees.

Without this macro, writes and reads to standard and file streams are sealed (or encrypted). Replay protection IS NOT added.

Secure I/O operations

Use either

  1. seal/unseal or
  2. encrypt/decrypt

as the underlying encryption primitive. (1) is the default, (2) is enabled by setting the SGX_SECURE_IO_OPERATIONS_KEY macro.

(2) requires a symmetric encryption key, which can be set using set_secure_io_key(). This key is used to en/decrypt all subsequent I/O operations, until it is overwritten by another call to set_secure_io_key().