
Dokku plugin to add hook on build in applications.

Primary LanguageShell

Dokku build hook

Add hook for application to prepare build

This plugin aim applications that requires to run some commands before build and offer a way to run these commands in dokku build lifecycle.


# on 0.3.x
cd /var/lib/dokku/plugins
git clone https://github.com/fteychene/dokku-build-hook.git build-hook
dokku plugins-install

# on 0.4.x
dokku plugin:install https://github.com/fteychene/dokku-build-hook.git build-hook


The plugin will search for scripts in application codebase to be executed on different phases of the build.

By default, the scripts should be installed in a hooks directory in the project codebase and be named as the corresponding hook you want to trigger.

Hooks :

  • pre-build : This script will be executed before the build of the project (Buildpack or Dockerfile based)


The folder where scripts are loaded could be overrided by setting HOOKS_DIR configuration for application


Add a script hooks/pre-build in a dokku project.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

echo "Run something before dokku build the project"

When deploying you app to dokku you should see the following instructions before build

-----> Checking for pre-build script
=====> Running pre-build script
Run something before dokku build the project
=====> End of pre-build script