
A Kotlin multiplatform Raft consensus implementation

Primary LanguageKotlinGNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1


A Kotlin multiplatform Raft consensus implementation base on:

  • an agnostic network layer
  • an event based approach suitable for an implementation with actors
  • an agnotic database layer i.e. based on abstract command execution

Node Kind

The NodeKind denotes the behaviors linked to a node. We have:

  • an Elector i.e. a Follower without a Leader in the Raft specification
  • a Candidate
  • a Follower and
  • a Leader.

Each oriented arrow is defined by:

  • a message,
  • a condition if necessary and
  • a set of reactions to be performed by the system.

For instance, when an Elector accepts a RequestVote message it becomes a Follower, and an AcceptVote reaction should be performed. This reaction highlights the acceptance to be send to the corresponding Candidate. This AcceptVote is managed by a Candidate node.

                                        TimeOut | ArmElectionTimeOut
                 |                                                                         |
                 v                   RequestVote | AcceptVote                              |                                                  |
          +-> Elector ------------------------------------------------------------+        |
          |      |                                                                |        |
          |      |  TimeOut | ArmElectionTimeOut StartElection                    v        |
          |      V                                                             Follower ---+
          +–- Candidate <-±                                                       |
 Higher   |      |    |   | TimeOut | ArmElection TimeOut StartElection           +--------+
  Term    |      |    |   | AcceptVote if No Quorum                                        |
          |      |    +---+                                                                |
          |      |                                                                         |
          |      | AcceptVote if Quorum | ArmHeartBeatTime SynchronizeLog InsertMarkInLog  |
          |      V                                                                         |
          +-- Leader <-+                                                                   |
          |        |   | TimeOut | ArmHeartBeatTime SynchronizeLog                         |
          |        +---+                                                                   |

Work in progress ...

A proof of this implementation should be done.


                       Version 2.1, February 1999

 Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
 of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.