Ansible Nginx rollout

Welcome to this playground to install Nginx and configure routing to an application using Ansible.

This playground provide a setup for 3 VM using Vagrant, one for nginx to be used as loadbalancer and 2 for application deployment.

This repository already define a playbook with :

  • Nginx installed
  • Application installation and startup
  • A default site enabled on Nginx on domain (

Here is a schema of what is provided :



Install the provided architecture by running :

> vagrant up

> ansible-playbook main.yaml

If everything worked without an error you should be able to connect to :

Nginx is configured to respond with a default site when you call it with the domain, look at how the configuration is done using Ansible task.


You can add application.nginx to your /etc/hosts to be able to request the application.nginx domain from your host browser.
If you don't add this configruation you can specify the domain by adding a Host header in your http request tool (example using curl: curl -H "Host:" http://localhost/)


After the installation you now have a 3 VM running system with Nginx ready to serve request.
Now it's time to add the application to be served under the domain name application.nginx, we need to add another site in the nginx configuration to respond to the domain application.nginx and to send the request to on of the worker randomly.

To help you here are the Nginx configuration part to send requeston 2 server that are missing from the already existing configuration in the playground:

upstream application {
    server <ip worker1>;
    server <ip worker2>;

server {
    location / {
        proxy_pass http://application;

Goal :
goal schema

Explore the existing configuration to find how to create the missing tasks in app/routing role and configure it in main playbook

Have fun !