Prometheus test for remote-write/read


  • docker
  • docker-compose
  • Build sample app : ./sample-app/gradlew -p sample-app/ --no-daemon --no-scan --no-watch-fs jibDockerBuild

Basic configuration

Setup :

  • Prometheus Origin (9090) with no datas
  • Prometheus Target (9091) with no data
  • Sample application

Configuration :

Execute : docker-compose up

http://localhost:9090/graph?g0.expr=coffee_drank_cl& sample in origin
http://localhost:9091/graph?g0.expr=coffee_drank_cl& sample in target


Setup :

  • Prometheus Origin (9090) with no datas
  • Prometheus Target (9091) with no data
  • Sample application

Configuration :

Execute : docker-compose -f docker-compose-remote-write.yaml up


Origin is scrapping metrics from sample application after some satrtup time
Remote-writing is sending data scrapped to target
Target have new datas

Remote-write (Backfill)

Setup :

  • Prometheus Origin (9090) with existing datas
  • Prometheus Target (9091) with no data

Configuration :

Execute : docker-compose -f docker-compose-remote-write-backfill.yaml up


Origin have the original datas query
Target doesn't have the datas query

Remote-read with backfill

Setup :

  • Prometheus Origin (9090) with existing datas
  • Prometheus Target (9091) with no data
  • Sample application

Configuration :

Execute : docker-compose -f docker-compose-remote-read.yaml up


Origin have some existing datas query
Target will read from origin for exsiting datas query
Target will read new datas from application query

⚠️ Target will not copy data from origin
You can stop origin with docker-compose -f docker-compose-remote-read.yaml stop origin and query will not send back data
Restart origin with docker-compose -f docker-compose-remote-read.yaml start origin and data will be back query