
Material for short course on Mining Complex Networks

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Mining Complex Networks - Practical Methods for Mining Graphs using Python-igraph

Part 1: EDA

  • 1.1 Relational data as graphs
    • basic igraph commands, main dataset, types of graphs
  • 1.2 Exploratory data analysis (EDA)
    • degree, paths, connected components
  • 1.3 Node importance:
    • coreness, centrality, betweenness

Part 2: Clustering

  • 2.1 Transitivity
    • triangles and other motifs, local and global clustering coefficients, cliques
  • 2.2 Clustering: modularity, Louvain, Leiden, ECG and properties; other methods
    • illustrations on various graphs; measures of cluster quality; ego-nets vs clusters
  • 2.3 Random graph models and benchmarks (ex: Erdos-Renyi, ABCD)
  • 2.4 Extra module: Anomaly detection
    • illustration with football dataset

Reference Book

igraph references

Software environment

The Python Notebook was created under the following conda environment:

conda create --name mining_graphs python=3.7.9 numpy pandas jupyter matplotlib pycairo scikit-learn
source activate mining_graphs
pip install igraph
pip install partition-igraph

python -m ipykernel install --user --name=mining_graphs ## add to Jupyter

The environment can be optionally created, managed and maintained reproducibly using make commands. To create and activate the conda environment:

make create_environment
source activate mining_graphs