Simple Chat bot and assistant tests using OpenAI

This is my first attempt to build a ChatBot using the OpenAI API.

Getting started

  1. Install openai : pip install openai
  2. Retrieve your OPENAI API key (
  3. Create a .env file, and put your key in it, for example :
  1. Run


AI types

There seems to be two types of APIs:

  • Chat completion : Simpler to use
  • Assistant API : More complex, requires configuration and more API calls. Better for long conversations and for adding proprietary knowledge/documents/data with RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation).


Creating messages

Message roles

When creating a message in the conversation, it can have one of 3 roles :

  • user : A message written by the user, which is sent to the assistant
  • system : Context given to the ChatBot in order to customize it.
  • assistant : Response from the ChatBot. By keeping messages, it allows a continuous conversation with history
  • tool : I have not found information on this role, yet.

Examples of system messages

The following system messages completely changes how the assistant answers :

  • "Translate the exact message written by the user in Spanish"
  • "All answers must be exactly 15 words long"
  • "You are an emotional assistant"