
[neOCampus] autOCampus ICU (i.e I see you) is the supervision app of our autonomous vehicle lurking in our campus

Primary LanguageJavaScript

[neOCampus] autOCampus-ICU | supervision

[neOCampus] autOCampus ICU (i.e I see you) is the supervision app of the autonomous vehicles lurking our campus.

This app. is responsible to manage all of the neOCampus IoT end-devices:

  • MQTT authentification and authorization (linked to mosquitto auth plugin)
  • send end-devices' specific JSON configuration
  • Prometheus end-point (internal monitoring)

autOCampus-ICU overview

Environment variables

When you start this application (see below), you can pass several environment variables:

  • DEBUG=1 this is our application debug feature
  • SIM=1 this is our application simulation feature: kind of read-only mode (i.e no write to any database)
  • DEVEL=1 in DEVELOPPER mode, Django backend will be sqlite
  • DJANGO_DEBUG=1 this is debug to Django's internals
  • DJANGO_SECRET_KEY Django's internal secret key (will be dynamically generated if not specified)
  • MQTT_USER and MQTT_PASSWD are sensOCampus own MQTT credentials
  • MQTT_TOPICS json formated list of topics to subscribe to (usually #/device)
  • MQTT_UNITID is a neOCampus identifier for msg filtering
  • PGSQL_USER and PGSQL_PASSWD are Postgres credentials for sensOCampus' internal database
  • PGSQL_SERVER= this is the docker gateway
  • PGSQL_PORT=5432
  • PGSQL_DATABASE=autocampus-icu name of the database

[HTTP] git clone

Only first time operation.

git clone git@github.com:fthiebolt/autOCampus-icu.git

git pull

cd <repository>
git pull

git push

cd <repository>

detached head case To commit mods to a detached head (because you forget to pull head mods before undertaking your own mods)

cd <repository>
git branch tmp
git checkout master
git merge tmp
git branch -d tmp

start container

cd <repository>
SIM=1 \
MQTT_PASSWD='passwd' PGSQL_PASSWD='passwd' \
docker-compose --verbose up -d

fast update of existing running container

cd <repository>
git pull
DEBUG=1 MQTT_PASSWD='passwd' PGSQL_PASSWD='passwd' docker-compose --verbose up --build -d

ONLY (re)generate image of container

cd <repository>
docker-compose build --force-rm --no-cache
[alternative] docker build --no-cache -t autOCampus-icu -f Dockerfile .

start container for maintenance

cd <repository>
docker run -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro -v "$(pwd)"/app:/opt/app:rw -it autOCampus-icu bash

ssh root @ container ?

Yeah, sure like with any VM:

ssh -p xxxx root@locahost