[eCOnect] is a European project about biodiversity study in Occitanie (south of France). We'll deploy sensors across large areas and we need a (cheap) way to gather all the data: LoRaWAN :) To achieve this, we make use of the (great)PyGate boards (https://pycom.io/product/pygate/) as a (cheap) true 8 channels LoRaWAN packet forwarder: we directly connected our Nvidia Jetson Nano to the PyGate board through SPI bus.
However, while this works seamlessly when connecting a RPi to a PyGate, it turns out to a total mess on Jetson nano ?!?!
SPOILER: the reason lies in the fact that SPI on nano does not releases the CS line ... thus SX1308 still waits before executing the received write operation!
Reminder: both 'lora_gateway' and 'packet_forwarder' are forks from Semtech version (https://github.com/Lora-net/lora_gateway https://github.com/Lora-net/packet_forwarder)
cd lora_gateway
WARNING on Nvidia Jetson Nano, you ought to use make CFLAGS=-DNVIDIA_CS_WORKAROUND
This stems from a bug in the SPI driver.
cd packet_fowarder
cd packet_fowarder/lora_pkt_fwd
cp ~/pyGate-forwarder/{global,local}_conf.json .
The update_gwid.sh
script will generate a new LoRaWAN gateway mac address and update json local file.
It's now time for you to modifiy this local file to head your packet forwarder to your LoRaWAN server
You ought now to add this new gateway to your LoRaWAN server (we make use of gotthardp version https://github.com/gotthardp/lorawan-server)
[MANDATORY] Reset the board
... then start packet forwarder
cd packet_forwarder/lora_pkt_fwd
and TADA, it works! (at least it ought to ;)
To start our packet forwarder as a systemd service
then reboot!
... or launch it directly systemctl start pyGate-forwarder.service