FTScroller is a cross-browser Javascript/CSS library to allow touch, mouse or scrollwheel scrolling within specified elements, with pagination, snapping and bouncing support.
- afahyStockTwits
- axelnormand
- bloudermilkClimatescape
- carlosparamioAvallain
- cheeaunUnemployed since Jul'22
- dyuCebu, Philippines
- dziudekDev Zen
- erichoceanXy Group Ltd
- ezodudeLondon, United Kingdom
- FintanModello Design Ltd
- fortes@coda
- gaurav46Boston, MA
- gbraad@RedHatOfficial, @redhat-developer, @crc-org, @containers, @jkubeio, @gbraadnl, @minishift, @gbraad-redhat
- georgecrawford@Financial-Times
- harrihaFuturice
- hustKiwiAuckland, New Zealand
- imitNew York, NY
- iyay
- jeroencoumansLone Rooftop
- jmouilleLausanne
- jney@missena-corp
- jque@NexploreTechnology
- klokanMapTiler @maptiler / @klokantech
- laneallenSan Francisco
- lnsosoHOME
- MarcusJTMarcus Tucker Photography
- markuso
- okayjeffreyShaper Tools
- owise1The Present Group
- secobarbitalETA, Inc.
- sturobUpstate New York
- taktranLondon, UK
- technopagan@trivago
- theshortcutPNW
- tlossenBerlin, Germany
- wbroekwbroek