
Packaging Synchronet BBS for Debian

Primary LanguageC

Synchronet-Linux C/C++ Source Code Archive (01/01/07)

This archive contains a snap-shot of all the source code and library files
necessary for a successful Linux build of the following Synchronet projects
as of 01/01/07:

Project Directory    Build Command
src/sbbs3            gmake DEBUG=1
src/sbbs3            gmake RELEASE=1
src/sbbs3/scfg       gmake DEBUG=1
src/sbbs3/scfg       gmake RELEASE=1
src/sbbs3/install    gmake
src/sbbs3/umonitor   gmake
src/sbbs3/uedit      gmake

Builds verified on Mon Jan 01 2007 04:02 am
cvs.synchro.net - Linux 2.6.9-1.667 i686

For more details, see http://synchro.net/docs/source.html
and http://synchro.net/docs/sbbsunix.txt