
Dealing with dates in Python shouldn't have to suck.

Primary LanguagePython


Build Status

A Python library for dealing with dates/times. Inspired by both Moment.js and the simplicity of Kenneth Reitz's Requests library. Ideas were also taken from the Times Python module.


I would advise that this is alpha-quality software.

pip install moment


import moment
from datetime import datetime

# Create a moment from a string
moment.date("12-18-2012", "M-D-YYYY")

# Create a moment with strftime format
moment.date("12-18-2012", "%m-%d-%Y")

# Create a moment from the current datetime

# The moment can also be UTC-based

# Create a moment with the UTC time zone
moment.utc("2012-12-18", "YYYY-M-D")

# Create a moment from a Unix timestamp

# Create a moment from a Unix UTC timestamp
moment.unix(1355875153626, utc=True)

# Return a datetime instance
moment.date(2012, 12, 18).date

# We can do the same thing with the UTC method
moment.utc(2012, 12, 18).date

# Create and format a moment using Moment.js semantics

# Create and format a moment with strftime semantics
moment.date(2012, 12, 18).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')

# Update your moment's time zone
moment.date(datetime(2012, 12, 18)).locale('US/Central').date

# Alter the moment's UTC time zone to a different time zone

# Set and update your moment's time zone. For instance, I'm on the
# west coast, but want NYC's current time.

# In order to manipulate time zones, a locale must always be set or
# you must be using UTC.

# You can also clone a moment, so the original stays unaltered
now = moment.utcnow().timezone('US/Pacific')
future = now.clone().add(weeks=2)


Moment allows you to chain commands, which turns out to be super useful.

# Customize your moment by chaining commands
moment.date(2012, 12, 18).add(days=2).subtract(weeks=3).date

# Imagine trying to do this with datetime, right?
moment.utcnow().add(years=3, months=2).format('YYYY-M-D h:m A')

# You can use multiple keyword arguments
moment.date(2012, 12, 19).add(hours=1, minutes=2, seconds=3)

# And, a similar subtract example...
moment.date(2012, 12, 19, 1, 2, 3).subtract(hours=1, minutes=2, seconds=3)

# In addition to adding/subtracting, we can also replace values
moment.now().replace(hours=5, minutes=15, seconds=0).epoch()

# And, if you'd prefer to keep the microseconds on your epoch value
moment.now().replace(hours=5, minutes=15, seconds=0).epoch(rounding=False)

# Years, months, and days can also be set
moment.now().replace(years=1984, months=1, days=1, hours=0, minutes=0, seconds=0)

# Also, datetime properties are available
moment.utc(2012, 12, 19).year == 2012

# Including plural ones (since I'm bad at remembering)

# We can also manipulate to preferred weekdays, such as Monday
moment.date(2012, 12, 19).replace(weekday=1).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')

# Or, this upcoming Sunday
moment.date('2012-12-19', 'YYYY-MM-DD').replace(weekday=7).date

# We can even go back to two Sundays ago
moment.date(2012, 12, 19).replace(weekday=-7).format('YYYY-MM-DD')

# It's also available as a property

# And, there's an easy way to zero out the hours, minutes, and seconds