
Primary LanguageHTML


Ruby version: 2.6.6
OS: macOS
Names and UNIs:
Harshini Ramanujam - hr2538
Yumeng Bai - yb2542
Federico Tondolo - ft2505
Giffin Suresh - gs3219

Heroku link: https://gentle-springs-10839.herokuapp.com/

Instructions to run product:

  1. Set ruby version to 2.6.6 - rbenv local 2.6.6
  2. Install dependencies - bundle install
  3. Run the DB migrations - bin/rake db:migrate
  4. Seed local data in sqlite3 - bin/rake db:seed
  5. Start the local instance - bin/rails server -b
  6. To run cucumber tests - bundle exec cucumber
  7. To run rspec tests - bundle exec rspec

Developer notes:

  1. Set the main repo as your upstream git remote add upstream https://github.com/harshiniwho/splitsy
  2. Before starting a new change do a git pull --rebase upstream main
  3. Commit all changes
  4. Do another git pull --rebase upstream main in case there were any commits in the middle of your development
  5. Push changes to your fork git push -f origin main, most likely you might need the force because of rebasing
  6. Then make a pull request to the main repo
  7. If there is a new migration file, run bin/rake db:migrate again
  8. To run cucumber tests, run 'bundle exec cucumber'