This repository contains codes and examples implementing the variational sparse coding model for sparse variational inference. To run the code, you will need Python 3 and Tensorflow. If you use this model or these codes, please cite our paper:
author = {Francesco Tonolini and Bj{o}rn Sand Jensen and Roderick Murray-Smith},
title = {Variational Sparse Coding},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Thirty-Fifth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI)},
year = {2019}
The main code to implement the model is "", in the folder "models". This code implements three functions:
This function trains the weights of the VSC model on the data set "training_data", which is accepted as a 2D array, where samples are along dimension 0 and elements per sample along dimension 1. The trained weights are saved as a Tensorflow .ckpt file in the directory "save_directory". The model takes a number of parameters stored in a dictionary "parameters" which has to contain the following values:
num_iterations - Number of totl iterations
initial_training_rate - Initial training rate for ADAM optimiser
batch_size - Batch size
report_interval - Interval of iterations at which to display and save values (ELBO, KL ecc.)
z_dimension - Latent space dimensionality
h_enc_dim - Number of hidden units between observation and latent space
h_dec_dim - Number of hidden units between latent and observation space
n_pinputs - Number of pseudo-inputs constituting the prior
warm_up_start - Number of iteration below which only discrete variables can be used (Spike warmup)
warm_up_end - Number of iteration above which both discrete and continuous variables can be used (Spike warmup)
shorten_steps_it - Iteration number after which to reduce the step size
nu - Inverse "temperature" of sigmoid to be used for parametrising discrete variables (the higher the sharper)
alpha - Overall sparsity to be encouraged in the aggregate posterior
The function also outputs several vectors containing function values at different iterations contained in the dictionary "CF". These are:
cost - The value of the VSC cost function
KL_divergence - The average KL divergence between the recognition models and the pseudo-inputs
reconstruction_likelihood - The average reconstruction likelihood for the data in the batch
aggregate_KL = The divergence between the average Spike probability value of the pseudo-inputs and the imposed sparsity alpha
Using the weights stored in "load_directory", this function encodes the samples in "test_set", provided in the same format as "training_set" above. The input parameters are provided in the same way described above through the dictionary "parameters". The function returns two outputs: the encodede sparse latent variables "z" and the corresponding Spike values "z_act" (i.e. the binary activation of latent features).
Using the weights stored in "load_directory", this function generates means "mu_x" and standard deviations "sig_x" from sparse latent variables "z". The parameters are given through the dictionary "parameters" as described above.
We provide two examples where this code is implemented to train VSC and subsequently use it as a sparse encoder. The example "fashionMNIST_example.ipynb" trains the VSC model on examples from the fashion-MNIST dataset and visualises the average latent elements activation for each class in the data set. The example "Smiley_example.ipynb" trains the model on an artificial dataset generated with known source features in order to tesat disentanglement.
The sparse artificial dataset we use for our evaluation is included in the folder "Data_Sets/Smiley" along with the Matlab code used to generate it. This code is "make_smile_dataset.m" and can be found in "Data_Sets/Smiley/Generate_Smiley_Dataset". The code can be used to generate different datasets with varying sparsity for the attributes (the datasets used in the paper and the example here are generated with a sparsity coefficient of 0.5).