install node, npm, bower (globally)
npm install
bower install
rename config.js.dist to config.js and fill out credentials
node crawler.js
node 2b_count_tweets.js
node 2c_slang_replace.js (or node slang_replace_without_mr.js because it is very slow)
node 2e_sentiment.js
(node write_countries_json.js)
- there is already a "./data/countries.json" if you don't want to crawl and run everything on your own!
start a http server (e.g. npm install http-server -g && http-server)
go to http://localhost:8080 to see the visualization or http://oi.qoop.io/fhs/dataengineeringtask3/ (Data: 200.000 Tweets, 01.01.2014)